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Líderes UE Nórdica e Oriental

Rank Invocador Vitórias Derrotas Liga / Divisão Pontos Campeões
#4,702 Summoner Icon DahaGoose 7 8
20 LP
Diamante IV
20 LP
#4,703 Summoner Icon SpArTaNuS 3 4
20 LP
Diamante IV
20 LP
#4,704 Summoner Icon Home of Darkness 40 32
20 LP
Diamante IV
20 LP
#4,705 Summoner Icon Nëro 6 8
20 LP
Diamante IV
20 LP
#4,708 Summoner Icon RandomDowner 35 36
20 LP
Diamante IV
20 LP
#4,709 Summoner Icon eternal death 22 30
49 LP
Diamante II
49 LP
#4,710 Summoner Icon Inf1nite 48 63
20 LP
Diamante IV
20 LP
#4,711 Summoner Icon Siewca1999 4 11
20 LP
Diamante IV
20 LP
#4,713 Summoner Icon ppieck 6 15
20 LP
Diamante IV
20 LP Nautilus Tristana
#4,714 Summoner Icon EFIALTHS 4 8
20 LP
Diamante IV
20 LP
#4,715 Summoner Icon Syzygy 70 66
16 LP
Diamante III
16 LP
#4,717 Summoner Icon lubia se podupić 7 7
20 LP
Diamante IV
20 LP
#4,718 Summoner Icon NightIsHunt 122 116
73 LP
Diamante III
73 LP Sylas Zed
#4,719 Summoner Icon dziwny dziwak 20 21
19 LP
Diamante IV
19 LP Rengar
#4,722 Summoner Icon I am Introvert 105 102
97 LP
Esmeralda III
97 LP Diana
#4,723 Summoner Icon Gerberek 111 112
15 LP
Diamante IV
15 LP Yasuo Zed Vel'Koz
#4,726 Summoner Icon Kayncarriesyou 90 97
19 LP
Diamante IV
19 LP Mordekaiser Bel'Veth
#4,729 Summoner Icon 166 EKAB 27 21
19 LP
Diamante IV
19 LP
#4,730 Summoner Icon Scyther 109 114
16 LP
Diamante II
16 LP Kha'Zix Bel'Veth
#4,732 Summoner Icon Prazor 33 30
19 LP
Diamante IV
19 LP