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Líderes Brasil

Rank Invocador Vitórias Derrotas Liga / Divisão Pontos Campeões
#3,381 Summoner Icon Lulu 101 97
75 LP
Diamante I
75 LP
#3,382 Summoner Icon João Música 89 47
75 LP
Diamante I
75 LP
#3,383 Summoner Icon WL Faixa Preta 131 120
75 LP
Diamante I
75 LP
#3,384 Summoner Icon ST Lui 56 33
75 LP
Diamante I
75 LP
#3,385 Summoner Icon castrin 115 104
75 LP
Diamante I
75 LP Lissandra
#3,386 Summoner Icon 過猶不及 133 122
75 LP
Diamante I
75 LP
#3,387 Summoner Icon GUMARULERDEFT 133 123
75 LP
Diamante I
75 LP K'Sante Aatrox
#3,388 Summoner Icon Shy1 125 111
75 LP
Diamante I
75 LP
#3,390 Summoner Icon scarlat 114 115
75 LP
Diamante I
75 LP
#3,391 Summoner Icon Mc Cabelinho 46 37
75 LP
Diamante I
75 LP Lucian
#3,392 Summoner Icon Not Hearty 61 48
75 LP
Diamante I
75 LP
#3,393 Summoner Icon Minerinhoz 40 25
75 LP
Diamante I
75 LP
#3,395 Summoner Icon Ichiko Aoba 149 142
75 LP
Diamante I
75 LP
#3,396 Summoner Icon Yap 64 51
75 LP
Diamante I
75 LP
#3,398 Summoner Icon C4ne 156 147
59 LP
Diamante III
59 LP
#3,400 Summoner Icon Zizk 63 58
75 LP
Diamante I
75 LP
#3,401 Summoner Icon selfdestruct 49 41
75 LP
Diamante I
75 LP
#3,402 Summoner Icon C2C2C2C2C2C2C2C2 81 69
75 LP
Diamante I
75 LP
#3,403 Summoner Icon Lothus 47 36
75 LP
Diamante I
75 LP
#3,406 Summoner Icon all the stars 73 64
75 LP
Diamante I
75 LP Alistar