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리더 EU 웨스트

계급 소환사 손실 계층 / 부 포인트 챔피언스
#324,621 Summoner Icon FeLiXiT000 6 9
50 LP
Iron IV
50 LP Jinx
#324,622 Summoner Icon Batono valgytoja 13 17
50 LP
Iron IV
50 LP
#324,623 Summoner Icon WilIiam Moriarty 15 24
50 LP
Iron IV
50 LP Lucian Caitlyn
#324,626 Summoner Icon The shadow 34 58
50 LP
Iron IV
50 LP Yone
#324,627 Summoner Icon Retr0 22 30
49 LP
Iron IV
49 LP
#324,628 Summoner Icon Bolinha 4 7
49 LP
Iron IV
49 LP
#324,629 Summoner Icon Paul34126 2 5
49 LP
Iron IV
49 LP
#324,630 Summoner Icon ContiNation 7 11
49 LP
Iron IV
49 LP
#324,631 Summoner Icon MacConejero 14 19
49 LP
Iron IV
49 LP Nautilus
#324,635 Summoner Icon rO Nos 117 152
49 LP
Iron IV
49 LP
#324,636 Summoner Icon ChaosvonMelone 2 5
49 LP
Iron IV
49 LP
#324,637 Summoner Icon G200 45 62
49 LP
Iron IV
49 LP
#324,640 Summoner Icon thewitcher636 7 13
49 LP
Iron IV
49 LP
#324,641 Summoner Icon West side Alek 31 36
49 LP
Iron IV
49 LP
#324,642 Summoner Icon JFmayback 2 5
49 LP
Iron IV
49 LP
#324,643 Summoner Icon weynoszs 31 40
49 LP
Iron IV
49 LP
#324,649 Summoner Icon Krispy1 23 36
49 LP
Iron IV
49 LP
#324,650 Summoner Icon Jnp91 67 100
49 LP
Iron IV
49 LP
#324,652 Summoner Icon Almdudler1 33 55
49 LP
Iron IV
49 LP Kog'Maw
#324,653 Summoner Icon IguelJB 46 57
49 LP
Iron IV
49 LP Rammus