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leaderboards Uni Eropa Nordic & East

Pangkat Summoner Wins kerugian Tier / Divisi poin juara
#56,645 Summoner Icon Mydogisplay 130 147
85 LP
Emas I
85 LP
#56,651 Summoner Icon BFS Milos 5 6
85 LP
Emas I
85 LP
#56,653 Summoner Icon kapitan tankk 80 89
85 LP
Emas I
85 LP
#56,654 Summoner Icon Maxa05 44 43
85 LP
Emas I
85 LP
#56,658 Summoner Icon NedeFeger 10 3
85 LP
Emas I
85 LP
#56,660 Summoner Icon Dudeuß 5 1
85 LP
Emas I
85 LP
#56,666 Summoner Icon Swpaaa 3 3
84 LP
Emas I
84 LP
#56,667 Summoner Icon TO GERO PEOS 60 61
84 LP
Emas I
84 LP
#56,670 Summoner Icon Droian 5 6
84 LP
Emas I
84 LP
#56,671 Summoner Icon Uptempo Ratcore 4 3
84 LP
Emas I
84 LP
#56,674 Summoner Icon MrVaRioR 8 4
84 LP
Emas I
84 LP Swain Jarvan IV
#56,675 Summoner Icon Koneser Aramów 8 1
84 LP
Emas I
84 LP
#56,678 Summoner Icon Meorgin 27 22
84 LP
Emas I
84 LP
#56,679 Summoner Icon CoYoneZ 69 77
84 LP
Emas I
84 LP
#56,681 Summoner Icon PriestMoeLester 16 23
0 LP
Platinum IV
0 LP
#56,683 Summoner Icon Wege Regis 17 17
84 LP
Emas I
84 LP
#56,684 Summoner Icon Soei Lamooie 146 148
84 LP
Emas I
84 LP
#56,686 Summoner Icon Sudetský Jezdec 53 49
84 LP
Emas I
84 LP Kassadin
#56,689 Summoner Icon NotJustACroc 7 5
84 LP
Emas I
84 LP
#56,691 Summoner Icon MaxusX 94 93
83 LP
Emas I
83 LP