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Ranglista Latin Amerika (Dél)

Rang Idéző Győzelem Vereségek Típus / Divízió Pontok Hősök
#23,401 Summoner Icon Söft 64 62
60 LP
Arany II
60 LP
#23,403 Summoner Icon elTomee NMNM 32 20
60 LP
Arany II
60 LP Miss Fortune
#23,404 Summoner Icon Tayke 22 23
60 LP
Arany II
60 LP
#23,405 Summoner Icon Cherno Alpha 3 48 46
60 LP
Arany II
60 LP Brand
#23,408 Summoner Icon GeraltofRivia05 4 7
60 LP
Arany II
60 LP
#23,409 Summoner Icon razalas 23 24
60 LP
Arany II
60 LP
#23,410 Summoner Icon DJMarshmello99 44 37
60 LP
Arany II
60 LP
#23,412 Summoner Icon hijo de tilin 9 7
60 LP
Arany II
60 LP
#23,417 Summoner Icon XHELGHAST 7 5
60 LP
Arany II
60 LP
#23,418 Summoner Icon Joerma BlueFox 48 59
60 LP
Arany II
60 LP
#23,419 Summoner Icon MinkSoul 31 17
60 LP
Arany II
60 LP
#23,421 Summoner Icon Ĺ Ă«th 48 36
60 LP
Arany II
60 LP Jhin
#23,423 Summoner Icon Vicentesal 11 13
60 LP
Arany II
60 LP
#23,425 Summoner Icon FranKinGG 41 42
60 LP
Arany II
60 LP
#23,427 Summoner Icon velius el summon 68 69
60 LP
Arany II
60 LP
#23,428 Summoner Icon VJG Ossa 33 31
60 LP
Arany II
60 LP Cho'Gath
#23,430 Summoner Icon TSR The Kira 14 14
59 LP
Arany II
59 LP Draven
#23,431 Summoner Icon FranZvilling 93 98
46 LP
Arany IV
46 LP Mordekaiser
#23,432 Summoner Icon Cephey 10 10
59 LP
Arany II
59 LP
#23,433 Summoner Icon DIEG0RO 97 80
59 LP
Arany II
59 LP