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Ranglista EU Nyugat

Rang Idéző Győzelem Vereségek Típus / Divízió Pontok Hősök
#12,661 Summoner Icon Mid Stylé 80 90
81 LP
Arany IV
81 LP Aurora
#12,663 Summoner Icon Narkotuke 24 17
81 LP
Arany IV
81 LP
#12,664 Summoner Icon Decadenza 89 72
81 LP
Arany IV
81 LP
#12,665 Summoner Icon Twitch the God 7 8
81 LP
Arany IV
81 LP Jinx
#12,672 Summoner Icon CornellAttl 29 30
80 LP
Arany IV
80 LP
#12,674 Summoner Icon Chulich 5 9
82 LP
Arany IV
82 LP
#12,676 Summoner Icon mrbruzz 16 10
80 LP
Arany IV
80 LP
#12,679 Summoner Icon AngelMelly 15 13
80 LP
Arany IV
80 LP Nami
#12,684 Summoner Icon The Sato 44 40
61 LP
Arany IV
61 LP
#12,685 Summoner Icon Drago Armato LV7 60 57
79 LP
Arany IV
79 LP
#12,689 Summoner Icon DieBrotLegende 6 5
79 LP
Arany IV
79 LP Twitch
#12,691 Summoner Icon SpinForWin 15 19
79 LP
Arany IV
79 LP Yasuo
#12,693 Summoner Icon zZappo 17 27
79 LP
Arany IV
79 LP
#12,694 Summoner Icon eldelukeleledesd 63 69
79 LP
Arany IV
79 LP
#12,695 Summoner Icon Aetérnum 25 16
79 LP
Arany IV
79 LP
#12,696 Summoner Icon Akamaruu 22 21
79 LP
Arany IV
79 LP
#12,699 Summoner Icon MACHINE GUN RAT 30 34
78 LP
Arany IV
78 LP Tahm Kench
#12,700 Summoner Icon GoD l Acnologia 2 7
78 LP
Arany IV
78 LP
#12,702 Summoner Icon Pistok 3 3
78 LP
Arany IV
78 LP
#12,704 Summoner Icon Meta Warrior 72 78
78 LP
Arany IV
78 LP