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Ranglista EU Nyugat

Rang Idéző Győzelem Vereségek Típus / Divízió Pontok Hősök
#123,881 Summoner Icon SRaun 14 18
32 LP
Arany IV
32 LP
#123,882 Summoner Icon Kuyaa 61 69
32 LP
Arany IV
32 LP
#123,883 Summoner Icon Shawnn2 114 102
32 LP
Arany IV
32 LP
#123,884 Summoner Icon TheAcursedPrince 127 128
32 LP
Arany IV
32 LP
#123,892 Summoner Icon LBFflintlocker 20 16
32 LP
Arany IV
32 LP
#123,896 Summoner Icon Bugay007 9 20
31 LP
Ezüst IV
31 LP
#123,897 Summoner Icon Gronk2Stronk 10 15
32 LP
Arany IV
32 LP
#123,898 Summoner Icon Bj0Ghost 10 13
32 LP
Arany IV
32 LP
#123,900 Summoner Icon BlinkerCheeks 73 68
32 LP
Arany IV
32 LP Dr. Mundo
#123,901 Summoner Icon T0byte 39 28
32 LP
Arany IV
32 LP
#123,903 Summoner Icon ReportMySuppPls 134 142
32 LP
Arany IV
32 LP
#123,905 Summoner Icon AoD Mikasa 13 15
32 LP
Arany IV
32 LP
#123,906 Summoner Icon Get in the van 15 10
32 LP
Arany IV
32 LP
#123,907 Summoner Icon tipocoise pt 37 18
32 LP
Arany IV
32 LP
#123,910 Summoner Icon eQuPE 43 31
32 LP
Arany IV
32 LP
#123,911 Summoner Icon TheDarkLeonidas 35 30
32 LP
Arany IV
32 LP
#123,912 Summoner Icon jeff12345 44 35
32 LP
Arany IV
32 LP
#123,916 Summoner Icon PUNGTORTYR 56 49
32 LP
Arany IV
32 LP
#123,917 Summoner Icon iamklaus 171 155
32 LP
Arany IV
32 LP
#123,919 Summoner Icon Tru3 v4Mp l0vE 12 11
32 LP
Arany IV
32 LP Nami