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Ranglista EU Nyugat

Rang Idéző Győzelem Vereségek Típus / Divízió Pontok Hősök
#116,423 Summoner Icon Striker33185 117 105
71 LP
Arany IV
71 LP
#116,424 Summoner Icon LespiedsdeMamie 10 16
71 LP
Arany IV
71 LP
#116,427 Summoner Icon DenSkævGryde 73 80
71 LP
Arany IV
71 LP
#116,430 Summoner Icon poggers99 4 4
71 LP
Arany IV
71 LP
#116,433 Summoner Icon Hymn of Sona 12 17
71 LP
Arany IV
71 LP
#116,434 Summoner Icon A Fume de Carozo 3 8
71 LP
Arany IV
71 LP
#116,437 Summoner Icon Feeding Finn 37 41
71 LP
Arany IV
71 LP
#116,439 Summoner Icon ToadSage 26 17
71 LP
Arany IV
71 LP
#116,440 Summoner Icon Nemkeee 71 66
70 LP
Arany IV
70 LP
#116,441 Summoner Icon JoséAznarParera 12 12
70 LP
Arany IV
70 LP
#116,442 Summoner Icon HeavensKyokotsu 32 39
70 LP
Arany IV
70 LP
#116,445 Summoner Icon Wiedumir 27 23
70 LP
Arany IV
70 LP
#116,446 Summoner Icon ForeverEdd 126 115
70 LP
Arany IV
70 LP
#116,447 Summoner Icon wÔoTer 121 105
70 LP
Arany IV
70 LP Wukong
#116,448 Summoner Icon Fifth Shieda 7 4
70 LP
Arany IV
70 LP
#116,450 Summoner Icon posky1 109 102
70 LP
Arany IV
70 LP
#116,451 Summoner Icon UberRat 4 5
70 LP
Arany IV
70 LP
#116,452 Summoner Icon LarCaps 17 31
70 LP
Arany IV
70 LP
#116,453 Summoner Icon redwolf111 110 111
70 LP
Arany IV
70 LP
#116,455 Summoner Icon CovererInGloom 131 121
70 LP
Arany IV
70 LP