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Ranglista EU Nyugat

Rang Idéző Győzelem Vereségek Típus / Divízió Pontok Hősök
#8,801 Summoner Icon Ano Turtiainen 18 20
71 LP
Arany I
71 LP Darius
#8,805 Summoner Icon ZedTheMasterMind 49 44
70 LP
Arany I
70 LP
#8,806 Summoner Icon SayHiToDeath4Me 21 13
70 LP
Arany I
70 LP
#8,807 Summoner Icon Stoertebeker 8 12
70 LP
Arany I
70 LP
#8,809 Summoner Icon MrGulli13 8 10
70 LP
Arany I
70 LP
#8,810 Summoner Icon Corr8843 43 42
70 LP
Arany I
70 LP
#8,811 Summoner Icon LIkely F1 90 83
81 LP
Platina II
81 LP
#8,812 Summoner Icon Lemonice 30 25
70 LP
Arany I
70 LP
#8,813 Summoner Icon Flo 69 67
70 LP
Arany I
70 LP
#8,814 Summoner Icon Saulo 7 8
70 LP
Arany I
70 LP Shaco
#8,815 Summoner Icon Kuno 52 43
70 LP
Arany I
70 LP
#8,818 Summoner Icon Skullboy007 23 21
69 LP
Arany I
69 LP Fiddlesticks
#8,819 Summoner Icon Jhinutu 10 9
69 LP
Arany I
69 LP
#8,820 Summoner Icon NickelCrOm 23 25
96 LP
Platina IV
96 LP
#8,822 Summoner Icon be my valentine 55 59
69 LP
Arany I
69 LP
#8,823 Summoner Icon Sadlife h 9 13
69 LP
Arany I
69 LP
#8,824 Summoner Icon Nigerian Warlord 6 3
0 LP
Platina IV
0 LP
#8,826 Summoner Icon TheOneAlphaChad 16 22
68 LP
Arany I
68 LP
#8,827 Summoner Icon HillaryTrumpz 57 47
68 LP
Arany I
68 LP
#8,828 Summoner Icon EveningWeed 32 22
68 LP
Arany I
68 LP