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Ranglista EU Nyugat

Rang Idéző Győzelem Vereségek Típus / Divízió Pontok Hősök
#7,139 Summoner Icon xJøKeRx 5 9
89 LP
Platina IV
89 LP
#7,143 Summoner Icon MINI Aya 34 39
89 LP
Platina IV
89 LP
#7,144 Summoner Icon Luumoos 113 101
89 LP
Platina IV
89 LP
#7,145 Summoner Icon Sefythan 27 28
6 LP
Platina II
6 LP
#7,150 Summoner Icon harlesrt 41 39
88 LP
Platina IV
88 LP
#7,151 Summoner Icon HeyItsmeAgain 51 41
87 LP
Platina IV
87 LP
#7,154 Summoner Icon Dàrkìn 6 12
87 LP
Platina IV
87 LP Sion
#7,159 Summoner Icon YouMadBrahhhh 69 75
8 LP
Platina IV
8 LP Wukong
#7,161 Summoner Icon Hi im OneShotGG 55 81
48 LP
Arany I
48 LP
#7,162 Summoner Icon NocturiusHD 33 34
86 LP
Platina IV
86 LP Diana
#7,164 Summoner Icon the young master 79 78
15 LP
Platina IV
15 LP
#7,169 Summoner Icon Bodycount 69 70
86 LP
Platina IV
86 LP
#7,170 Summoner Icon PentaMats 22 15
86 LP
Platina IV
86 LP
#7,176 Summoner Icon first to iron 40 34
85 LP
Platina IV
85 LP
#7,181 Summoner Icon spesium 31 25
85 LP
Platina IV
85 LP
#7,183 Summoner Icon Samara H7 43 42
84 LP
Platina IV
84 LP
#7,184 Summoner Icon drvn by fr 3 13
67 LP
Platina IV
67 LP
#7,188 Summoner Icon Matti 182 48 47
91 LP
Platina IV
91 LP
#7,197 Summoner Icon steph1202 12 14
83 LP
Platina IV
83 LP
#7,203 Summoner Icon YO SOY SU PAPI 47 39
82 LP
Platina IV
82 LP