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Ranglista EU Észak és Kelet

Rang Idéző Győzelem Vereségek Típus / Divízió Pontok Hősök
#16,581 Summoner Icon Îźneil 32 21
90 LP
Platina I
90 LP Nautilus
#16,583 Summoner Icon Jhin Τonic 45 42
90 LP
Platina I
90 LP
#16,585 Summoner Icon the world ender 78 64
90 LP
Platina I
90 LP
#16,586 Summoner Icon Melitaka 61 32
90 LP
Platina I
90 LP
#16,588 Summoner Icon Pacal 42 38
90 LP
Platina I
90 LP
#16,588 Summoner Icon Faraon Savaron 53 64
36 LP
Smaragd IV
36 LP
#16,589 Summoner Icon PAIN and SORROW 69 46
89 LP
Platina I
89 LP
#16,590 Summoner Icon APCIO 98 100
89 LP
Platina I
89 LP
#16,592 Summoner Icon Melda 84 75
89 LP
Platina I
89 LP
#16,593 Summoner Icon MileaRares 3 2
89 LP
Platina I
89 LP
#16,596 Summoner Icon dexter474 6 3
89 LP
Platina I
89 LP
#16,598 Summoner Icon Syga 31 19
89 LP
Platina I
89 LP
#16,599 Summoner Icon Misery 31 25
89 LP
Platina I
89 LP
#16,602 Summoner Icon FattyChungus 67 65
89 LP
Platina I
89 LP
#16,604 Summoner Icon LookAtMyStick 4 2
89 LP
Platina I
89 LP
#16,608 Summoner Icon FirstGameAlways 3 3
89 LP
Platina I
89 LP
#16,609 Summoner Icon elfik7 33 20
57 LP
Platina I
57 LP
#16,612 Summoner Icon Mremy99 11 4
88 LP
Platina I
88 LP
#16,613 Summoner Icon BlackSwordsman 36 34
88 LP
Platina I
88 LP Ashe Twitch Viktor
#16,614 Summoner Icon TheHumper 3 2
88 LP
Platina I
88 LP