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Ranglista EU Észak és Kelet

Rang Idéző Győzelem Vereségek Típus / Divízió Pontok Hősök
#49,621 Summoner Icon bungabregarslo 7 12
25 LP
Arany I
25 LP
#49,622 Summoner Icon Daky 381 372
25 LP
Arany I
25 LP Darius Akali Garen Aurelion Sol Dr. Mundo
#49,623 Summoner Icon Dreaming 21 30
25 LP
Arany I
25 LP
#49,624 Summoner Icon MYSZA WARIAT4231 29 33
25 LP
Arany I
25 LP
#49,625 Summoner Icon proxy401 35 27
25 LP
Arany I
25 LP
#49,627 Summoner Icon giorgosdaddy 129 126
3 LP
Platina III
3 LP Tahm Kench
#49,628 Summoner Icon Focus the healer 313 324
25 LP
Arany I
25 LP Fizz Morgana Lux
#49,629 Summoner Icon Dr Buddha 77 77
25 LP
Arany I
25 LP Vex
#49,630 Summoner Icon Newgreekforce 14 9
25 LP
Arany I
25 LP Darius Rengar
#49,631 Summoner Icon FaceD1veR 142 158
25 LP
Arany I
25 LP Akali
#49,632 Summoner Icon nxipseuzy 78 61
25 LP
Arany I
25 LP
#49,633 Summoner Icon Belˇveth 2 4
25 LP
Arany I
25 LP
#49,634 Summoner Icon eXDrakE 21 17
25 LP
Arany I
25 LP
#49,638 Summoner Icon żygam tęczom2 37 39
25 LP
Arany I
25 LP
#49,639 Summoner Icon ja108 5 3
25 LP
Arany I
25 LP Camille
#49,640 Summoner Icon Crz333 66 66
25 LP
Arany I
25 LP
#49,641 Summoner Icon PandaSniper1 44 45
25 LP
Arany I
25 LP Ezreal
#49,644 Summoner Icon El Bandi 56 52
25 LP
Arany I
25 LP Swain Lillia Corki Jinx
#49,645 Summoner Icon Fuhrer Is Here 75 76
17 LP
Platina IV
17 LP Diana
#49,647 Summoner Icon El señor 2 3
25 LP
Arany I
25 LP Syndra