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Ranglista EU Észak és Kelet

Rang Idéző Győzelem Vereségek Típus / Divízió Pontok Hősök
#40,341 Summoner Icon DeaD Cheat 126 135
90 LP
Platina IV
90 LP
#40,342 Summoner Icon Teohal 12 20
90 LP
Platina IV
90 LP
#40,343 Summoner Icon Akos1077 30 30
90 LP
Platina IV
90 LP Tryndamere
#40,345 Summoner Icon AdmiralMajk 11 14
90 LP
Platina IV
90 LP
#40,346 Summoner Icon cino3 29 27
90 LP
Platina IV
90 LP
#40,347 Summoner Icon The Wall 3 2
90 LP
Platina IV
90 LP Akali
#40,348 Summoner Icon nmq 63 76
90 LP
Platina IV
90 LP
#40,349 Summoner Icon Clone Diff 54 47
90 LP
Platina IV
90 LP
#40,350 Summoner Icon Hugo 39 40
4 LP
Platina IV
4 LP
#40,352 Summoner Icon MoonLegends 7 9
90 LP
Platina IV
90 LP
#40,355 Summoner Icon W1feAbuser 59 52
90 LP
Platina IV
90 LP
#40,356 Summoner Icon Liwus 31 24
90 LP
Platina IV
90 LP
#40,357 Summoner Icon The Godfathér 123 107
90 LP
Platina IV
90 LP
#40,358 Summoner Icon hf téam i int 161 151
0 LP
Platina IV
0 LP
#40,359 Summoner Icon EnVee 52 66
90 LP
Platina IV
90 LP
#40,360 Summoner Icon SteelShoot 90 69
90 LP
Platina IV
90 LP
#40,361 Summoner Icon Sotiris KontizĂĄs 15 33
90 LP
Platina IV
90 LP
#40,364 Summoner Icon God King 143 149
35 LP
Platina II
35 LP
#40,365 Summoner Icon CMP Swifty 23 14
90 LP
Platina IV
90 LP
#40,368 Summoner Icon kayth patata 60 51
90 LP
Platina IV
90 LP Lux