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Ranglista Brazília

Rang Idéző Győzelem Vereségek Típus / Divízió Pontok Hősök
#8,462 Summoner Icon Reibandeclay 16 11
81 LP
Arany IV
81 LP
#8,463 Summoner Icon Gigis 31 23
81 LP
Arany IV
81 LP
#8,467 Summoner Icon COXOTÃO 25 34
79 LP
Arany IV
79 LP
#8,468 Summoner Icon tyrr curse 20 9
79 LP
Arany IV
79 LP Alistar
#8,469 Summoner Icon DiPeres 5 0
79 LP
Arany IV
79 LP
#8,471 Summoner Icon Alainol 59 63
79 LP
Arany IV
79 LP
#8,474 Summoner Icon Aracnofobia 170 158
79 LP
Arany IV
79 LP
#8,475 Summoner Icon nalty 66 62
78 LP
Arany IV
78 LP Graves
#8,476 Summoner Icon gzzin 27 21
78 LP
Arany IV
78 LP
#8,478 Summoner Icon Meigre 84 64
78 LP
Arany IV
78 LP Sylas Diana Yasuo Caitlyn Xin Zhao
#8,479 Summoner Icon Young and Broken 29 21
77 LP
Arany IV
77 LP Udyr
#8,480 Summoner Icon P4bloVin1cius 29 29
77 LP
Arany IV
77 LP Ziggs
#8,482 Summoner Icon linguadapoderosa 38 24
77 LP
Arany IV
77 LP Tahm Kench
#8,489 Summoner Icon Hideki 3 3
76 LP
Arany IV
76 LP Mordekaiser
#8,490 Summoner Icon Mengudo99 26 30
76 LP
Arany IV
76 LP Vladimir Smolder Fizz
#8,492 Summoner Icon Corinthiano 7 12
76 LP
Arany IV
76 LP Thresh
#8,497 Summoner Icon FunnyFast 15 12
75 LP
Arany IV
75 LP Katarina
#8,498 Summoner Icon NightGale 35 35
75 LP
Arany IV
75 LP Amumu Nasus Nautilus Miss Fortune
#8,502 Summoner Icon Phoen1KZ 12 15
74 LP
Arany IV
74 LP Ahri
#8,504 Summoner Icon Leli 41 38
73 LP
Arany IV
73 LP Lulu Soraka Seraphine Milio