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Classements dinde

Rang Invocateur Victoires Défaites Niveau / Division Points Champions
#14,903 Summoner Icon hatttorihanz0 329 301
4 LP
Platine III
4 LP Vladimir
#14,904 Summoner Icon Hermes 33 24
4 LP
Platine III
4 LP Volibear
#14,905 Summoner Icon SİONİST 94 99
4 LP
Platine III
4 LP Caitlyn
#14,906 Summoner Icon TRISTAN T4TE 32 38
4 LP
Platine III
4 LP
#14,907 Summoner Icon Don Corleone 23 21
4 LP
Platine III
4 LP Xerath
#14,908 Summoner Icon Kozmos THE ONE 30 35
4 LP
Platine III
4 LP Warwick Cho'Gath Poppy Sett Heimerdinger
#14,911 Summoner Icon RUTLAS 36 19
3 LP
Platine III
3 LP Fizz Pantheon Swain Ryze Anivia
#14,912 Summoner Icon Y3T 68 65
3 LP
Platine III
3 LP Vel'Koz
#14,913 Summoner Icon radioheadd 17 13
3 LP
Platine III
3 LP
#14,919 Summoner Icon Pineapplexpress 10 9
3 LP
Platine III
3 LP Hwei
#14,920 Summoner Icon Atii242 4 3
3 LP
Platine III
3 LP Ezreal
#14,922 Summoner Icon Klesa 54 53
3 LP
Platine III
3 LP Lulu
#14,923 Summoner Icon IZedony 52 49
3 LP
Platine III
3 LP
#14,924 Summoner Icon EVO 236 272 273
3 LP
Platine III
3 LP Nautilus
#14,926 Summoner Icon Genlainbek 6 11
3 LP
Platine III
3 LP Kalista
#14,928 Summoner Icon ronaldo 37 22
3 LP
Platine III
3 LP Zed Sylas
#14,929 Summoner Icon 1HayatımBileYok 60 44
3 LP
Platine III
3 LP Smolder
#14,930 Summoner Icon skål 13 10
3 LP
Platine III
3 LP
#14,931 Summoner Icon IW Aelyn 18 26
3 LP
Platine III
3 LP Ezreal Jinx Samira Rakan
#14,933 Summoner Icon CON CAC BAT BAİ 93 87
2 LP
Platine III
2 LP Yone Diana Sylas