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Classements dinde

Rang Invocateur Victoires Défaites Niveau / Division Points Champions
#2,461 Summoner Icon wubalubadubdub 21 18
30 LP
Platine I
30 LP
#2,463 Summoner Icon TOTO 50 34
70 LP
Platine II
70 LP Miss Fortune Ezreal Ashe
#2,465 Summoner Icon Ironwoodkid 4 8
70 LP
Platine II
70 LP
#2,466 Summoner Icon canned 100 94
10 LP
Platine III
10 LP Hwei Ashe Malzahar
#2,467 Summoner Icon trizmirli 55 53
80 LP
Platine II
80 LP Diana
#2,469 Summoner Icon TheMrsCristal123 22 26
69 LP
Platine II
69 LP
#2,470 Summoner Icon Bukibus 86 78
69 LP
Platine II
69 LP Ezreal Vayne
#2,471 Summoner Icon addicted to you 26 14
69 LP
Platine II
69 LP
#2,472 Summoner Icon Kellerman55 20 19
68 LP
Platine II
68 LP
#2,473 Summoner Icon Nosferatu 6 5
68 LP
Platine II
68 LP
#2,474 Summoner Icon EF Ærtrix 4 7
68 LP
Platine II
68 LP Corki
#2,475 Summoner Icon Sukuna 6 10
68 LP
Platine II
68 LP
#2,476 Summoner Icon ışılıseviyordum 33 34
68 LP
Platine II
68 LP
#2,478 Summoner Icon ISENGARD Gothmog 45 42
68 LP
Platine II
68 LP
#2,479 Summoner Icon T1 Kaiser 8 4
67 LP
Platine II
67 LP
#2,480 Summoner Icon LIAR 60 84
66 LP
66 LP Zed
#2,481 Summoner Icon alperski0 16 22
67 LP
Platine II
67 LP
#2,483 Summoner Icon İnfêlîz 87 69
66 LP
Platine II
66 LP Aurelion Sol Jinx Galio
#2,484 Summoner Icon SubC 43 35
66 LP
Platine II
66 LP
#2,485 Summoner Icon Juanny 30 33
43 LP
Platine III
43 LP Ashe