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Classements dinde

Rang Invocateur Victoires Défaites Niveau / Division Points Champions
#2,001 Summoner Icon MühendisimOglem 2 6
90 LP
Platine IV
90 LP
#2,002 Summoner Icon Crafty 20 24
90 LP
Platine IV
90 LP
#2,003 Summoner Icon 36Ea 28 19
90 LP
Platine IV
90 LP
#2,004 Summoner Icon wapzZz 61 60
89 LP
Platine IV
89 LP Varus Rell Lillia Yasuo Viego
#2,005 Summoner Icon hams1knSamuel 66 67
41 LP
Platine III
41 LP
#2,006 Summoner Icon emmysus 4 4
89 LP
Platine IV
89 LP
#2,007 Summoner Icon Omurgaböler03 12 14
88 LP
Platine IV
88 LP Riven Irelia
#2,008 Summoner Icon JessİsBack 53 53
87 LP
Platine IV
87 LP Urgot Karma
#2,009 Summoner Icon Pietong 34 28
87 LP
Platine IV
87 LP
#2,010 Summoner Icon v1perr 18 12
7 LP
Platine II
7 LP Miss Fortune
#2,011 Summoner Icon The Best Closer 23 23
86 LP
Platine IV
86 LP Viego Kayn Diana
#2,012 Summoner Icon HELLKAISER 13 14
85 LP
Platine IV
85 LP Renata Glasc
#2,013 Summoner Icon Xpane 23 23
85 LP
Platine IV
85 LP
#2,014 Summoner Icon Untaka 13 16
85 LP
Platine IV
85 LP
#2,015 Summoner Icon pØRNN 3 3
85 LP
Platine IV
85 LP Hecarim Ornn Skarner Shen Nocturne
#2,016 Summoner Icon yemre 10 8
84 LP
Platine IV
84 LP Galio Malphite Leona Shen
#2,017 Summoner Icon küfüretmicem 44 48
84 LP
Platine IV
84 LP Gnar Jayce
#2,018 Summoner Icon Aschent 25 28
84 LP
Platine IV
84 LP Vladimir
#2,019 Summoner Icon YalnızKurtYusuf 39 42
83 LP
Platine IV
83 LP
#2,020 Summoner Icon s2p61koseye 14 17
83 LP
Platine IV
83 LP Yasuo