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Classements Amérique latine Sud

Rang Invocateur Victoires Défaites Niveau / Division Points Champions
#16,341 Summoner Icon An account 8 6
81 LP
Platine IV
81 LP
#16,342 Summoner Icon CSG DarKNesS 14 19
81 LP
Platine IV
81 LP
#16,343 Summoner Icon Hibiki 3 2
81 LP
Platine IV
81 LP Ashe
#16,345 Summoner Icon guliita 41 33
81 LP
Platine IV
81 LP
#16,349 Summoner Icon the aniquilador 16 14
81 LP
Platine IV
81 LP
#16,360 Summoner Icon Voto x Kast2026 12 10
81 LP
Platine IV
81 LP Sivir
#16,364 Summoner Icon Sufro de 21 16
80 LP
Platine IV
80 LP
#16,366 Summoner Icon nxskr 47 33
80 LP
Platine IV
80 LP
#16,369 Summoner Icon LaReina DelBaile 5 1
80 LP
Platine IV
80 LP
#16,370 Summoner Icon iziio 12 3
80 LP
Platine IV
80 LP
#16,378 Summoner Icon S0S4 70 60
80 LP
Platine IV
80 LP
#16,379 Summoner Icon Broko 26 17
80 LP
Platine IV
80 LP
#16,381 Summoner Icon Azzle 112 113
80 LP
Platine IV
80 LP
#16,385 Summoner Icon TFK kkeevvoo 28 27
80 LP
Platine IV
80 LP
#16,387 Summoner Icon Faker Chileno 196 187
80 LP
Platine IV
80 LP
#16,388 Summoner Icon SaitoSANOGX 32 37
80 LP
Platine IV
80 LP
#16,391 Summoner Icon LRF Cash 4 5
80 LP
Platine IV
80 LP
#16,392 Summoner Icon pepsiman 15 7
80 LP
Platine IV
80 LP
#16,395 Summoner Icon URU CrossShaders 14 11
80 LP
Platine IV
80 LP
#16,398 Summoner Icon Esc0petaDeNels0n 9 10
80 LP
Platine IV
80 LP