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Classements Amérique latine Sud

Rang Invocateur Victoires Défaites Niveau / Division Points Champions
#15,141 Summoner Icon NikolásOwO 43 51
64 LP
Platine IV
64 LP
#15,143 Summoner Icon go to sleep 8 9
64 LP
Platine IV
64 LP
#15,152 Summoner Icon KIaussen 118 113
63 LP
Platine IV
63 LP
#15,153 Summoner Icon GooglęChrome 9 12
63 LP
Platine IV
63 LP
#15,155 Summoner Icon vituwar 4 3
63 LP
Platine IV
63 LP
#15,166 Summoner Icon Ironenzo 6 9
63 LP
Platine IV
63 LP
#15,169 Summoner Icon shaansho 39 41
56 LP
Platine III
56 LP Kai'Sa
#15,170 Summoner Icon vMufasa 20 11
62 LP
Platine IV
62 LP
#15,174 Summoner Icon YoneSesitoBesos 37 27
62 LP
Platine IV
62 LP
#15,178 Summoner Icon Lille Barro 65 72
62 LP
Platine IV
62 LP
#15,179 Summoner Icon Mamas Boy 38 42
90 LP
Platine IV
90 LP
#15,186 Summoner Icon Lampades 89 84
62 LP
Platine IV
62 LP
#15,201 Summoner Icon Eris Greyrat 17 28
61 LP
Platine IV
61 LP
#15,209 Summoner Icon vino con falopa 2 7
61 LP
Platine IV
61 LP
#15,210 Summoner Icon Unknown 6 7
61 LP
Platine IV
61 LP
#15,212 Summoner Icon 69DALLAXx 4 6
61 LP
Platine IV
61 LP
#15,229 Summoner Icon Qezillo 22 18
60 LP
Platine IV
60 LP
#15,236 Summoner Icon LNT Beat 60 59
60 LP
Platine IV
60 LP
#15,237 Summoner Icon Ladislao 12 25
60 LP
Platine IV
60 LP
#15,238 Summoner Icon Jacobolol 61 43
60 LP
Platine IV
60 LP