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Classements Amérique latine Sud

Rang Invocateur Victoires Défaites Niveau / Division Points Champions
#13,082 Summoner Icon ChizuruMizuhara 38 47
43 LP
Platine III
43 LP Mordekaiser
#13,083 Summoner Icon JOVANIVAZQUEZ69 20 19
43 LP
Platine III
43 LP Hwei
#13,084 Summoner Icon Skrynthim 35 38
43 LP
Platine III
43 LP Vi Shen
#13,085 Summoner Icon Sakazuki1 309 303
43 LP
Platine III
43 LP
#13,086 Summoner Icon Incarnate 12 10
43 LP
Platine III
43 LP
#13,087 Summoner Icon BlackLionKingL 74 79
69 LP
Platine III
69 LP Vayne Mordekaiser
#13,089 Summoner Icon Shauna 34 38
42 LP
Platine III
42 LP
#13,090 Summoner Icon PanchoBang21 50 62
42 LP
Platine III
42 LP
#13,091 Summoner Icon Faker Coquimbano 10 7
42 LP
Platine III
42 LP
#13,092 Summoner Icon Maulo 11 4
42 LP
Platine III
42 LP Zilean
#13,094 Summoner Icon InkaSoldier 49 44
42 LP
Platine III
42 LP
#13,095 Summoner Icon michuyn 11 12
42 LP
Platine III
42 LP
#13,097 Summoner Icon MichiiToxica 19 12
42 LP
Platine III
42 LP
#13,098 Summoner Icon kingglfps 33 41
42 LP
Platine III
42 LP Ezreal
#13,099 Summoner Icon DonFachero 12 5
42 LP
Platine III
42 LP
#13,100 Summoner Icon Shuka Saito 5 3
42 LP
Platine III
42 LP
#13,101 Summoner Icon Shoot Of Jinx 42 34
42 LP
Platine III
42 LP Gwen Maître Yi
#13,102 Summoner Icon Hide on Burst 22 21
42 LP
Platine III
42 LP Warwick Yasuo
#13,103 Summoner Icon CITRIQUE 15 20
42 LP
Platine III
42 LP
#13,104 Summoner Icon g0tay 105 114
42 LP
Platine III
42 LP Yasuo Aurelion Sol