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Classements Amérique latine Sud

Rang Invocateur Victoires Défaites Niveau / Division Points Champions
#8,401 Summoner Icon ColdChest97 22 31
8 LP
Argent IV
8 LP
#8,402 Summoner Icon ElRataAlvareh 38 24
8 LP
Argent IV
8 LP Vi Graves Warwick
#8,403 Summoner Icon KaioZacachispa32 21 23
7 LP
Argent IV
7 LP
#8,404 Summoner Icon ZAMPA TESTÊ 36 39
7 LP
Argent IV
7 LP Singed Gangplank Swain
#8,405 Summoner Icon mikeENP 16 24
7 LP
Argent IV
7 LP Wukong
#8,406 Summoner Icon Irelia and chill 46 56
7 LP
Argent IV
7 LP
#8,407 Summoner Icon Pipe15 zzz 8 14
7 LP
Argent IV
7 LP Renekton
#8,408 Summoner Icon franck022 38 55
7 LP
Argent IV
7 LP
#8,409 Summoner Icon Cowan 5 7
6 LP
Argent IV
6 LP Renata Glasc
#8,410 Summoner Icon Svaly 7 12
6 LP
Argent IV
6 LP
#8,411 Summoner Icon Chechee 25 24
6 LP
Argent IV
6 LP
#8,412 Summoner Icon Draktar94 36 30
6 LP
Argent IV
6 LP
#8,413 Summoner Icon Sepheon 31 42
6 LP
Argent IV
6 LP
#8,414 Summoner Icon kmkz3 14 15
6 LP
Argent IV
6 LP
#8,415 Summoner Icon Necks07 23 16
6 LP
Argent IV
6 LP
#8,416 Summoner Icon Archukalek 7 5
6 LP
Argent IV
6 LP
#8,417 Summoner Icon vidriopyrex 10 6
6 LP
Argent IV
6 LP
#8,418 Summoner Icon elmalditoOnurb 27 25
6 LP
Argent IV
6 LP
#8,419 Summoner Icon Diudson 18 30
6 LP
Argent IV
6 LP
#8,420 Summoner Icon LKILLEERR 38 38
35 LP
Argent III
35 LP