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Classements Amérique latine Nord

Rang Invocateur Victoires Défaites Niveau / Division Points Champions
#2,101 Summoner Icon ZyWolfx 40 36
76 LP
diamant I
76 LP
#2,103 Summoner Icon Lambo Mercy 103 65
75 LP
diamant I
75 LP
#2,104 Summoner Icon KS Reddington 57 40
75 LP
diamant I
75 LP
#2,105 Summoner Icon Whitesauce 63 53
75 LP
diamant I
75 LP
#2,106 Summoner Icon CARNICERO30 109 104
75 LP
diamant I
75 LP
#2,107 Summoner Icon Will Ez Mid 78 66
75 LP
diamant I
75 LP
#2,109 Summoner Icon ripplipanic 142 135
75 LP
diamant I
75 LP
#2,110 Summoner Icon Hans 50 23
75 LP
diamant I
75 LP
#2,112 Summoner Icon Lettuce 122 125
75 LP
diamant I
75 LP
#2,113 Summoner Icon Cotzitlaotlan 49 42
75 LP
diamant I
75 LP Shen Maokai
#2,115 Summoner Icon KenSuper 78 70
75 LP
diamant I
75 LP
#2,116 Summoner Icon nanon 122 122
75 LP
diamant I
75 LP
#2,117 Summoner Icon DûSTi 89 89
75 LP
diamant I
75 LP
#2,118 Summoner Icon PortadorDeLuz 62 32
75 LP
diamant I
75 LP
#2,121 Summoner Icon The Sett IV 130 116
75 LP
diamant I
75 LP
#2,124 Summoner Icon Medellin 84 57
75 LP
diamant I
75 LP
#2,125 Summoner Icon DrakeRo 159 162
75 LP
diamant I
75 LP
#2,126 Summoner Icon VodouPrêtesse 90 88
75 LP
diamant I
75 LP
#2,127 Summoner Icon Mitnito 125 109
213 LP
Maîtriser I
213 LP Talon
#2,128 Summoner Icon boLa ツ 55 43
75 LP
diamant I
75 LP