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Classements EU Ouest

Rang Invocateur Victoires Défaites Niveau / Division Points Champions
#175,021 Summoner Icon Cokayn 5 6
45 LP
Bronze I
45 LP
#175,022 Summoner Icon Heitkel 6 3
45 LP
Bronze I
45 LP
#175,023 Summoner Icon Dimakobra 32 42
45 LP
Bronze I
45 LP Yone
#175,024 Summoner Icon Rattendatten 12 12
45 LP
Bronze I
45 LP Jhin Xayah
#175,025 Summoner Icon NaimNh 58 71
45 LP
Bronze I
45 LP Pantheon
#175,026 Summoner Icon FML ILeiderGeilI 80 68
13 LP
Argent III
13 LP
#175,028 Summoner Icon CarryArmato 32 42
45 LP
Bronze I
45 LP
#175,029 Summoner Icon Ifanyam 3 4
45 LP
Bronze I
45 LP
#175,030 Summoner Icon ElSeñorDonGato 24 25
45 LP
Bronze I
45 LP
#175,032 Summoner Icon I Never Hit My Q 5 3
45 LP
Bronze I
45 LP
#175,033 Summoner Icon get the trynda 164 178
45 LP
Bronze I
45 LP Urgot
#175,037 Summoner Icon Old but Iron 8 8
45 LP
Bronze I
45 LP
#175,038 Summoner Icon seaschelli 67 42
45 LP
Bronze I
45 LP Sona Fizz
#175,039 Summoner Icon herc 107 106
45 LP
Bronze I
45 LP Malzahar
#175,040 Summoner Icon Captain Stallion 6 19
45 LP
Bronze I
45 LP Ezreal
#175,042 Summoner Icon e4m Sssacatá 100 110
45 LP
Bronze I
45 LP Kai'Sa Lillia
#175,043 Summoner Icon tonnatoor 28 24
45 LP
Bronze I
45 LP
#175,044 Summoner Icon Mvffe 17 12
45 LP
Bronze I
45 LP
#175,046 Summoner Icon threetwoonezero 61 68
45 LP
Bronze I
45 LP Katarina
#175,047 Summoner Icon Tyralium 11 10
45 LP
Bronze I
45 LP