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Classements EU Ouest

Rang Invocateur Victoires Défaites Niveau / Division Points Champions
#65,122 Summoner Icon Aurelius Maximus 113 112
30 LP
Platine IV
30 LP
#65,123 Summoner Icon Kiif 6 6
30 LP
Platine IV
30 LP
#65,129 Summoner Icon GBK FB6202 13 7
30 LP
Platine IV
30 LP
#65,130 Summoner Icon TROU DE FOURIS 8 5
30 LP
Platine IV
30 LP
#65,131 Summoner Icon THE LACHIT ONE 57 60
30 LP
Platine IV
30 LP
#65,133 Summoner Icon Vicma15 101 83
30 LP
Platine IV
30 LP
#65,135 Summoner Icon Punteri 17 13
30 LP
Platine IV
30 LP
#65,136 Summoner Icon Triwing 6 5
30 LP
Platine IV
30 LP
#65,137 Summoner Icon Seyui 33 45
30 LP
Platine IV
30 LP Taliyah
#65,139 Summoner Icon kristofferog 66 70
30 LP
Platine IV
30 LP Ezreal
#65,143 Summoner Icon WinDeck 8 8
30 LP
Platine IV
30 LP
#65,144 Summoner Icon Conjure image 120 120
30 LP
Platine IV
30 LP
#65,146 Summoner Icon Baltondo 65 67
30 LP
Platine IV
30 LP
#65,150 Summoner Icon Joker D Shaco 13 21
30 LP
Platine IV
30 LP
#65,151 Summoner Icon BendonaBarteau 6 6
30 LP
Platine IV
30 LP
#65,152 Summoner Icon RayPloxx 16 15
30 LP
Platine IV
30 LP
#65,153 Summoner Icon SSJ3 SonGoku 35 30
30 LP
Platine IV
30 LP
#65,156 Summoner Icon Cristus Feka 20 25
30 LP
Platine IV
30 LP
#65,157 Summoner Icon Ohhhkeee 41 41
30 LP
Platine IV
30 LP
#65,158 Summoner Icon eV FlakeZz 55 57
30 LP
Platine IV
30 LP