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Classements EU Ouest

Rang Invocateur Victoires Défaites Niveau / Division Points Champions
#58,421 Summoner Icon Max Cringer 5 2
70 LP
Platine IV
70 LP
#58,426 Summoner Icon NPC MOVEMENT 105 96
70 LP
Platine IV
70 LP
#58,427 Summoner Icon morbidlyAbeast 59 59
70 LP
Platine IV
70 LP
#58,428 Summoner Icon MACuir 82 87
70 LP
Platine IV
70 LP Garen
#58,430 Summoner Icon minionz 48 33
70 LP
Platine IV
70 LP
#58,433 Summoner Icon Tinaelle 35 39
70 LP
Platine IV
70 LP
#58,435 Summoner Icon Yes Its My Fault 8 10
70 LP
Platine IV
70 LP Leona
#58,439 Summoner Icon Debt of Flesh 112 107
70 LP
Platine IV
70 LP
#58,442 Summoner Icon Son of Kong 55 42
70 LP
Platine IV
70 LP
#58,448 Summoner Icon Hungar69 12 9
70 LP
Platine IV
70 LP
#58,450 Summoner Icon SenpaiKush133742 5 10
70 LP
Platine IV
70 LP
#58,455 Summoner Icon IMissMSpaint 3 3
70 LP
Platine IV
70 LP
#58,456 Summoner Icon ldtui 7 12
70 LP
Platine IV
70 LP
#58,457 Summoner Icon clonjedi 74 77
70 LP
Platine IV
70 LP
#58,458 Summoner Icon B1ackburn 12 9
70 LP
Platine IV
70 LP
#58,462 Summoner Icon W4rman 41 33
70 LP
Platine IV
70 LP
#58,465 Summoner Icon Abelixxxxx 9 10
70 LP
Platine IV
70 LP
#58,469 Summoner Icon SuppCarry79 1 4
70 LP
Platine IV
70 LP Kha'Zix Heimerdinger
#58,470 Summoner Icon MyCrystalWings 26 23
70 LP
Platine IV
70 LP
#58,471 Summoner Icon Glizzy Gulper 41 16 10
70 LP
Platine IV
70 LP