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Classements EU Ouest

Rang Invocateur Victoires Défaites Niveau / Division Points Champions
#4,722 Summoner Icon Ellectryon 2 3
40 LP
Platine I
40 LP
#4,723 Summoner Icon ΞWaR Ω ŁorDΞ 20 25
63 LP
Émeraude III
63 LP
#4,724 Summoner Icon L 9 2 3
40 LP
Platine I
40 LP
#4,725 Summoner Icon Hi im not mo 4 3
16 LP
Émeraude IV
16 LP Zyra
#4,732 Summoner Icon Sigbaf 6 8
39 LP
Platine I
39 LP
#4,733 Summoner Icon Blitzfeldt 8 6
39 LP
Platine I
39 LP
#4,734 Summoner Icon MadsAlstrup 5 12
39 LP
Platine I
39 LP Nami
#4,735 Summoner Icon AnzuoNes 9 7
39 LP
Platine I
39 LP
#4,737 Summoner Icon yosahzp 19 13
38 LP
Platine I
38 LP
#4,738 Summoner Icon Sellerin x nisse 49 55
38 LP
Platine I
38 LP
#4,739 Summoner Icon Tiltproof 13 12
38 LP
Platine I
38 LP
#4,740 Summoner Icon SpitzkopfLarry 8 7
38 LP
Platine I
38 LP
#4,742 Summoner Icon Cowvaliere R I P 23 14
38 LP
Platine I
38 LP
#4,743 Summoner Icon ohwhag 30 30
38 LP
Platine I
38 LP Graves
#4,744 Summoner Icon Saint Of CA 10 11
38 LP
Platine I
38 LP
#4,745 Summoner Icon carßi 45 37
38 LP
Platine I
38 LP
#4,746 Summoner Icon LWS Cookie 92 80
90 LP
Émeraude IV
90 LP
#4,747 Summoner Icon Sleonis 4 9
37 LP
Platine I
37 LP
#4,751 Summoner Icon MONCHITO D MAN 21 19
36 LP
Platine I
36 LP
#4,752 Summoner Icon SPY WORST VAYNE 36 31
36 LP
Platine I
36 LP Ahri