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Classements EU Ouest

Rang Invocateur Victoires Défaites Niveau / Division Points Champions
#33,141 Summoner Icon P baiter 16 12
30 LP
Platine II
30 LP
#33,142 Summoner Icon lolkulan1 10 8
30 LP
Platine II
30 LP
#33,143 Summoner Icon Silco 105 77
30 LP
Platine II
30 LP Tahm Kench
#33,144 Summoner Icon fruckk10 44 37
30 LP
Platine II
30 LP Katarina
#33,145 Summoner Icon The Loonster 12 6
30 LP
Platine II
30 LP
#33,146 Summoner Icon Akastuki33 11 8
30 LP
Platine II
30 LP
#33,147 Summoner Icon ProfessorZombie 14 6
30 LP
Platine II
30 LP
#33,148 Summoner Icon Immaculate 43 55
30 LP
Platine II
30 LP Illaoi
#33,149 Summoner Icon Tibberds 87 76
26 LP
Platine I
26 LP
#33,153 Summoner Icon Frank Underwood 10 11
30 LP
Platine II
30 LP Galio Ekko
#33,154 Summoner Icon TeKKorist 99 96
30 LP
Platine II
30 LP Sivir
#33,155 Summoner Icon 1337 Princ 30 29
30 LP
Platine II
30 LP Karma
#33,156 Summoner Icon Unosumo 7 9
30 LP
Platine II
30 LP Lux
#33,157 Summoner Icon FightOne 41 46
30 LP
Platine II
30 LP Ekko
#33,160 Summoner Icon 티아고 실바 20 24
30 LP
Platine II
30 LP Malphite
#33,161 Summoner Icon Budla 62 58
30 LP
Platine II
30 LP
#33,162 Summoner Icon Minchanbaby 115 121
30 LP
Platine II
30 LP Ivern Nautilus Vex
#33,163 Summoner Icon Shneck 50 55
30 LP
Platine II
30 LP Sylas Garen
#33,164 Summoner Icon Kirlia23 21 25
30 LP
Platine II
30 LP
#33,165 Summoner Icon Freuranandar 26 18
30 LP
Platine II
30 LP Ambessa