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Classements EU Ouest

Rang Invocateur Victoires Défaites Niveau / Division Points Champions
#29,023 Summoner Icon i AM Palomo 84 71
43 LP
Platine I
43 LP
#29,024 Summoner Icon TodesfeeRyasa 7 2
43 LP
Platine I
43 LP
#29,027 Summoner Icon DOT Xorgol 3 4
42 LP
Platine I
42 LP
#29,028 Summoner Icon SchüsseAusmBenz 91 74
42 LP
Platine I
42 LP
#29,029 Summoner Icon NHW Java 180 201
70 LP
Émeraude IV
70 LP
#29,029 Summoner Icon Euphoria EUUR 5 8
42 LP
Platine I
42 LP
#29,030 Summoner Icon MOSHl MOSHl 46 38
42 LP
Platine I
42 LP
#29,032 Summoner Icon Crellemand 77 66
42 LP
Platine I
42 LP
#29,035 Summoner Icon Kalinku 12 6
42 LP
Platine I
42 LP
#29,036 Summoner Icon Mohmed 98 101
42 LP
Platine I
42 LP Yasuo
#29,038 Summoner Icon Trabiscott 104 88
42 LP
Platine I
42 LP
#29,041 Summoner Icon ElysianDesire 249 254
42 LP
Platine I
42 LP
#29,042 Summoner Icon Atenógenes 30 48
42 LP
Platine I
42 LP
#29,044 Summoner Icon Jayaanaa 174 181
42 LP
Platine I
42 LP
#29,048 Summoner Icon NoDeurZone 83 77
55 LP
Émeraude IV
55 LP
#29,049 Summoner Icon Sam The Turtle 15 15
42 LP
Platine I
42 LP Pyke
#29,050 Summoner Icon I Sebas I 51 57
42 LP
Platine I
42 LP
#29,051 Summoner Icon Cooljumped 83 82
42 LP
Platine I
42 LP
#29,052 Summoner Icon djgummybear 34 31
42 LP
Platine I
42 LP
#29,054 Summoner Icon DODO 90 99
42 LP
Platine I
42 LP