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Classements EU Ouest

Rang Invocateur Victoires Défaites Niveau / Division Points Champions
#27,643 Summoner Icon xsaintal 28 29
0 LP
Émeraude III
0 LP
#27,644 Summoner Icon XG Didclaun 64 76
65 LP
Platine I
65 LP
#27,650 Summoner Icon Yurαi 10 12
65 LP
Platine I
65 LP
#27,651 Summoner Icon Kannethed 29 21
0 LP
Émeraude IV
0 LP
#27,651 Summoner Icon olavmeister 8 3
65 LP
Platine I
65 LP
#27,652 Summoner Icon Aether Wing 15 5
65 LP
Platine I
65 LP
#27,654 Summoner Icon Fragility 30 37
65 LP
Platine I
65 LP
#27,657 Summoner Icon LUC Flammenwolf 41 43
65 LP
Platine I
65 LP
#27,661 Summoner Icon Bzerkk 79 64
16 LP
Émeraude IV
16 LP
#27,662 Summoner Icon yooyoan 42 52
64 LP
Platine I
64 LP
#27,663 Summoner Icon Łørres v2 12 8
64 LP
Platine I
64 LP
#27,665 Summoner Icon Rebornreformed7 5 5
64 LP
Platine I
64 LP
#27,666 Summoner Icon lairze 4 4
64 LP
Platine I
64 LP
#27,668 Summoner Icon Gamingeagle 25 29
64 LP
Platine I
64 LP
#27,670 Summoner Icon Your FinaI Scene 21 19
64 LP
Platine I
64 LP
#27,673 Summoner Icon the oηe 30 24
26 LP
Émeraude II
26 LP Nasus Ezreal Brand Elise Jhin
#27,675 Summoner Icon Alluri 3 8
64 LP
Platine I
64 LP
#27,677 Summoner Icon CSK4 128 141
64 LP
Platine I
64 LP Ziggs Diana
#27,678 Summoner Icon Anclracle 118 121
64 LP
Platine I
64 LP
#27,679 Summoner Icon Electricvoid 49 29
11 LP
Émeraude IV
11 LP Sivir