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Classements EU Ouest

Rang Invocateur Victoires Défaites Niveau / Division Points Champions
#27,202 Summoner Icon TSM Rajergsen 35 32
12 LP
Platine I
12 LP Ambessa Akali
#27,204 Summoner Icon Knight of Zero 73 85
12 LP
Platine I
12 LP
#27,205 Summoner Icon buzzico de cucs 82 101
12 LP
Platine I
12 LP
#27,206 Summoner Icon MBS Malgaron 73 55
12 LP
Platine I
12 LP Rell
#27,207 Summoner Icon Coach Lawliet 3 5
12 LP
Platine I
12 LP
#27,207 Summoner Icon Thaiz 81 66
42 LP
Émeraude IV
42 LP Evelynn
#27,209 Summoner Icon iloveyoungkidz 13 12
12 LP
Platine I
12 LP
#27,211 Summoner Icon Fallenix 40 49
12 LP
Platine I
12 LP Nocturne Diana
#27,212 Summoner Icon Knusperdino31 15 19
12 LP
Platine I
12 LP
#27,213 Summoner Icon Ayusa 124 126
12 LP
Platine I
12 LP
#27,219 Summoner Icon Luismis 220 207
12 LP
Platine I
12 LP Yone
#27,220 Summoner Icon 等天黑 10 11
12 LP
Platine I
12 LP
#27,221 Summoner Icon Creast 64 66
12 LP
Platine I
12 LP
#27,223 Summoner Icon IcedTii 186 205
12 LP
Platine I
12 LP
#27,225 Summoner Icon mastern96 16 20
12 LP
Platine I
12 LP Corki
#27,226 Summoner Icon Mononokee 87 91
12 LP
Platine I
12 LP Yone
#27,227 Summoner Icon PaniCOO 8 10
12 LP
Platine I
12 LP Miss Fortune
#27,228 Summoner Icon Nébumune 42 49
12 LP
Platine I
12 LP Garen
#27,229 Summoner Icon Arebereto Dono 159 155
12 LP
Platine I
12 LP
#27,230 Summoner Icon Phenzohennix 24 19
12 LP
Platine I
12 LP