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Classements EU Nord & Est

Rang Invocateur Victoires Défaites Niveau / Division Points Champions
#17,641 Summoner Icon Xemon 5 8
64 LP
Platine I
64 LP
#17,642 Summoner Icon Bubů 51 47
64 LP
Platine I
64 LP
#17,643 Summoner Icon qkamzchh 77 66
64 LP
Platine I
64 LP Zed
#17,644 Summoner Icon TheGigowat 12 11
64 LP
Platine I
64 LP
#17,645 Summoner Icon hory na sigmoze 33 35
64 LP
Platine I
64 LP
#17,646 Summoner Icon IceOnMyNeck v2 41 38
64 LP
Platine I
64 LP
#17,648 Summoner Icon qst 65 86
64 LP
Platine I
64 LP
#17,649 Summoner Icon Betonski 94 101
64 LP
Platine I
64 LP
#17,651 Summoner Icon Jakub Kněžour 4 4
64 LP
Platine I
64 LP
#17,652 Summoner Icon DrXalen 26 39
64 LP
Platine I
64 LP Lulu
#17,652 Summoner Icon ali00 23 20
4 LP
Émeraude IV
4 LP
#17,653 Summoner Icon RoubMeeLache 29 21
64 LP
Platine I
64 LP
#17,655 Summoner Icon God Slayer 1 5
64 LP
Platine I
64 LP
#17,656 Summoner Icon Dansku14 34 19
64 LP
Platine I
64 LP
#17,657 Summoner Icon The Greek MidTSM 47 52
64 LP
Platine I
64 LP
#17,661 Summoner Icon anup 29 24
64 LP
Platine I
64 LP
#17,662 Summoner Icon sourBunn 39 42
64 LP
Platine I
64 LP
#17,663 Summoner Icon KIUNDZIU 10 5
64 LP
Platine I
64 LP
#17,664 Summoner Icon DustyEpTic 52 51
64 LP
Platine I
64 LP
#17,665 Summoner Icon Shalcoholic 39 29
64 LP
Platine I
64 LP Shaco