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Classements EU Nord & Est

Rang Invocateur Victoires Défaites Niveau / Division Points Champions
#155,701 Summoner Icon AHMED THE ANIMAL 37 37
70 LP
Argent IV
70 LP
#155,705 Summoner Icon momororoto 67 69
70 LP
Argent IV
70 LP
#155,707 Summoner Icon Hoodrich16Betty 30 24
70 LP
Argent IV
70 LP
#155,708 Summoner Icon Żoan Pablito 21 12
70 LP
Argent IV
70 LP
#155,715 Summoner Icon Djoka2c 15 16
70 LP
Argent IV
70 LP
#155,725 Summoner Icon Bogsanrullz 5 6
70 LP
Argent IV
70 LP
#155,726 Summoner Icon SmushLloyd 55 64
70 LP
Argent IV
70 LP
#155,727 Summoner Icon CariX 11 11
70 LP
Argent IV
70 LP
#155,730 Summoner Icon lukaszxnxd 103 96
70 LP
Argent IV
70 LP Irelia Amumu
#155,731 Summoner Icon XTC Babymaker 30 27
70 LP
Argent IV
70 LP
#155,732 Summoner Icon Th3King98 47 46
70 LP
Argent IV
70 LP
#155,733 Summoner Icon Płocki Konfident 52 40
70 LP
Argent IV
70 LP Twitch
#155,739 Summoner Icon Lavrent 10 9
70 LP
Argent IV
70 LP
#155,746 Summoner Icon legobatman 6 5
70 LP
Argent IV
70 LP
#155,747 Summoner Icon MaglovitiDule 5 4
70 LP
Argent IV
70 LP
#155,751 Summoner Icon komiks8 22 13
70 LP
Argent IV
70 LP
#155,757 Summoner Icon Dave14920 23 27
70 LP
Argent IV
70 LP
#155,759 Summoner Icon Fluor111 11 12
70 LP
Argent IV
70 LP
#155,760 Summoner Icon Pitriss Nebess 7 9
70 LP
Argent IV
70 LP
#155,761 Summoner Icon Azznot 40 47
70 LP
Argent IV
70 LP