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Classements EU Nord & Est

Rang Invocateur Victoires Défaites Niveau / Division Points Champions
#155,281 Summoner Icon SauronChan 30 26
49 LP
Bronze IV
49 LP
#155,282 Summoner Icon SezLoc 33 29
49 LP
Bronze IV
49 LP
#155,283 Summoner Icon mike imitheos 59 60
49 LP
Bronze IV
49 LP
#155,285 Summoner Icon The Cartilage 5 4
49 LP
Bronze IV
49 LP
#155,287 Summoner Icon Legion13th 10 13
49 LP
Bronze IV
49 LP
#155,288 Summoner Icon Kissy Missy 42 50
49 LP
Bronze IV
49 LP
#155,289 Summoner Icon Ducker 29 29
49 LP
Bronze IV
49 LP Poppy
#155,294 Summoner Icon prajmujciexaya 54 69
48 LP
Bronze IV
48 LP
#155,295 Summoner Icon Kyla 68 80
48 LP
Bronze IV
48 LP
#155,297 Summoner Icon Wajktor124 49 57
48 LP
Bronze IV
48 LP
#155,298 Summoner Icon DzoDzo1217 10 15
48 LP
Bronze IV
48 LP
#155,300 Summoner Icon septas 7 10
48 LP
Bronze IV
48 LP
#155,302 Summoner Icon xCROxGreenShroom 32 43
48 LP
Bronze IV
48 LP
#155,303 Summoner Icon babisaekg21 12 24
48 LP
Bronze IV
48 LP
#155,304 Summoner Icon Immortalwwr97 70 64
75 LP
Fer I
75 LP Nasus
#155,305 Summoner Icon KryKli1807 11 17
48 LP
Bronze IV
48 LP
#155,306 Summoner Icon pluh 72 71
48 LP
Bronze IV
48 LP
#155,307 Summoner Icon sh0ka 62 79
48 LP
Bronze IV
48 LP
#155,308 Summoner Icon beberYi 66 78
48 LP
Bronze IV
48 LP
#155,309 Summoner Icon EX lcterror 26 23
48 LP
Bronze IV
48 LP