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Classements EU Nord & Est

Rang Invocateur Victoires Défaites Niveau / Division Points Champions
#103,502 Summoner Icon choozyea 26 23
45 LP
Bronze I
45 LP
#103,503 Summoner Icon blacklvag 42 55
45 LP
Bronze I
45 LP Cassiopeia Galio
#103,504 Summoner Icon UglySwan 51 52
89 LP
Bronze II
89 LP
#103,505 Summoner Icon THE DISSENT GUY 98 101
50 LP
Bronze II
50 LP Ashe Ezreal Sylas Tristana
#103,506 Summoner Icon Unstoppable8 41 43
45 LP
Bronze I
45 LP Akali
#103,507 Summoner Icon InlovewiththCoco 16 9
45 LP
Bronze I
45 LP
#103,509 Summoner Icon Ylluvathar 4 1
45 LP
Bronze I
45 LP
#103,513 Summoner Icon Patapievici 14 26
45 LP
Bronze I
45 LP Qiyana Syndra Sylas
#103,515 Summoner Icon Mimka 9 9
45 LP
Bronze I
45 LP
#103,516 Summoner Icon Cmelácek 52 46
45 LP
Bronze I
45 LP
#103,517 Summoner Icon lebronZeJames 20 24
45 LP
Bronze I
45 LP Senna Rammus Gangplank Gragas
#103,518 Summoner Icon RealSUGArdADDY 18 5
45 LP
Bronze I
45 LP
#103,519 Summoner Icon Padalec 4 1
45 LP
Bronze I
45 LP
#103,521 Summoner Icon zBOSSz 19 21
45 LP
Bronze I
45 LP
#103,522 Summoner Icon Gryzka 58 50
18 LP
Argent I
18 LP Jax Galio
#103,523 Summoner Icon NoOoBo 55 61
45 LP
Bronze I
45 LP Zac
#103,524 Summoner Icon TuranosavrosLex 19 16
45 LP
Bronze I
45 LP Galio
#103,525 Summoner Icon llamma 54 62
45 LP
Bronze I
45 LP
#103,527 Summoner Icon smileboy 6 8
45 LP
Bronze I
45 LP Irelia
#103,528 Summoner Icon Dony1233214 4 1
45 LP
Bronze I
45 LP Nasus