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Classements EU Nord & Est

Rang Invocateur Victoires Défaites Niveau / Division Points Champions
#56,243 Summoner Icon BoRubaaR 3 5
40 LP
Bronze IV
40 LP
#56,244 Summoner Icon KOOOtasLee38cm 2 3
40 LP
Bronze IV
40 LP
#56,245 Summoner Icon Friske1 9 9
40 LP
Bronze IV
40 LP
#56,246 Summoner Icon Koczkodan 13 18
40 LP
Bronze IV
40 LP
#56,247 Summoner Icon M0rm0nT 43 54
40 LP
Bronze IV
40 LP
#56,248 Summoner Icon Øks 2 3
40 LP
Bronze IV
40 LP
#56,249 Summoner Icon vix705 5 14
40 LP
Bronze IV
40 LP
#56,250 Summoner Icon DICKHUNTER0957 5 4
40 LP
Bronze IV
40 LP
#56,251 Summoner Icon Sernier 21 23
40 LP
Bronze IV
40 LP
#56,252 Summoner Icon Hiasynthia 6 8
40 LP
Bronze IV
40 LP
#56,253 Summoner Icon Bamsica 44 39
40 LP
Bronze IV
40 LP
#56,256 Summoner Icon pgmo1 12 8
40 LP
Bronze IV
40 LP
#56,257 Summoner Icon Kullo Lee 2 3
40 LP
Bronze IV
40 LP
#56,258 Summoner Icon pavliss 2 3
40 LP
Bronze IV
40 LP
#56,261 Summoner Icon Julijander 6 9
40 LP
Bronze IV
40 LP
#56,262 Summoner Icon Dawidkosa123 10 11
40 LP
Bronze IV
40 LP
#56,263 Summoner Icon League of Legend 65 66
40 LP
Bronze IV
40 LP
#56,264 Summoner Icon QubiQ 2 3
40 LP
Bronze IV
40 LP
#56,265 Summoner Icon Fithertilo 6 8
40 LP
Bronze IV
40 LP
#56,266 Summoner Icon FlaviuCuS 2 3
40 LP
Bronze IV
40 LP