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Classements EU Nord & Est

Rang Invocateur Victoires Défaites Niveau / Division Points Champions
#52,061 Summoner Icon Mightee 16 16
6 LP
Platine IV
6 LP
#52,064 Summoner Icon lubiemocnobic 14 13
6 LP
Platine IV
6 LP
#52,065 Summoner Icon Pillow Pwincess 26 20
6 LP
Platine IV
6 LP
#52,066 Summoner Icon Spisakc03 12 9
6 LP
Platine IV
6 LP
#52,067 Summoner Icon 지호智鎬智昊志鎬 135 117
5 LP
Platine IV
5 LP
#52,069 Summoner Icon BG BEASTcrank 24 18
5 LP
Platine IV
5 LP
#52,071 Summoner Icon Pochcanej Ručník 42 39
5 LP
Platine IV
5 LP
#52,072 Summoner Icon Hoplik 12 12
5 LP
Platine IV
5 LP
#52,074 Summoner Icon Kristo0o 15 10
5 LP
Platine IV
5 LP
#52,075 Summoner Icon pORNNstaar 47 39
5 LP
Platine IV
5 LP Jax
#52,076 Summoner Icon Im The Rusty Cop 23 13
5 LP
Platine IV
5 LP
#52,078 Summoner Icon KochamPiwoDaddy 10 9
5 LP
Platine IV
5 LP
#52,085 Summoner Icon lDHydra 34 31
5 LP
Platine IV
5 LP
#52,087 Summoner Icon One called Lolli 32 29
5 LP
Platine IV
5 LP
#52,089 Summoner Icon Sciepek 13 14
5 LP
Platine IV
5 LP
#52,090 Summoner Icon We3Dontcare 44 32
5 LP
Platine IV
5 LP
#52,091 Summoner Icon vikke555 38 29
5 LP
Platine IV
5 LP Sion
#52,097 Summoner Icon Joku mora 11 10
5 LP
Platine IV
5 LP
#52,098 Summoner Icon Norkis 4 1
5 LP
Platine IV
5 LP
#52,099 Summoner Icon DOO Skenderbeg 2 10
5 LP
Platine IV
5 LP