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Classements EU Nord & Est

Rang Invocateur Victoires Défaites Niveau / Division Points Champions
#46,041 Summoner Icon CEO Of OnlyBans 185 193
45 LP
Platine IV
45 LP
#46,043 Summoner Icon Jackson Arma 74 72
45 LP
Platine IV
45 LP
#46,044 Summoner Icon Von Korden 13 25
45 LP
Platine IV
45 LP
#46,046 Summoner Icon G2Jindra 103 99
45 LP
Platine IV
45 LP
#46,047 Summoner Icon KriBoss 66 54
45 LP
Platine IV
45 LP
#46,050 Summoner Icon Nagi Seishiro 33 32
45 LP
Platine IV
45 LP Hecarim Ornn
#46,051 Summoner Icon hitdhisshi 12 9
45 LP
Platine IV
45 LP
#46,052 Summoner Icon NatelixPL 63 65
45 LP
Platine IV
45 LP
#46,053 Summoner Icon CiemnyRys1 32 34
45 LP
Platine IV
45 LP
#46,053 Summoner Icon letal00 35 29
0 LP
Émeraude IV
0 LP
#46,055 Summoner Icon kurdex01 20 10
45 LP
Platine IV
45 LP
#46,057 Summoner Icon Wolfangzz 207 199
45 LP
Platine IV
45 LP Yone
#46,060 Summoner Icon InjeXline 29 28
45 LP
Platine IV
45 LP
#46,068 Summoner Icon Gaden Garen 41 39
45 LP
Platine IV
45 LP
#46,069 Summoner Icon hamadaEUNE 18 12
45 LP
Platine IV
45 LP Ashe
#46,071 Summoner Icon My gun is huge 148 150
45 LP
Platine IV
45 LP
#46,075 Summoner Icon smtnga 28 41
45 LP
Platine IV
45 LP
#46,076 Summoner Icon TaylorSwiftx 28 21
45 LP
Platine IV
45 LP
#46,079 Summoner Icon Rzuuf 57 63
45 LP
Platine IV
45 LP
#46,082 Summoner Icon iNeedMoreBullets 4 1
45 LP
Platine IV
45 LP