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Classements EU Nord & Est

Rang Invocateur Victoires Défaites Niveau / Division Points Champions
#41,042 Summoner Icon SonGoku ssj3 8 6
84 LP
Platine IV
84 LP
#41,043 Summoner Icon Heisenberg98 18 24
84 LP
Platine IV
84 LP Malzahar
#41,050 Summoner Icon ZAHARE 128 98
84 LP
Platine IV
84 LP
#41,051 Summoner Icon Im Ripped IRL 50 44
84 LP
Platine IV
84 LP
#41,056 Summoner Icon Beli11 69 74
84 LP
Platine IV
84 LP
#41,058 Summoner Icon lil wrist slit 73 79
84 LP
Platine IV
84 LP
#41,059 Summoner Icon PanM 99 97
84 LP
Platine IV
84 LP Fizz
#41,062 Summoner Icon Coaros 17 12
84 LP
Platine IV
84 LP Pantheon
#41,063 Summoner Icon Joelos 68 65
84 LP
Platine IV
84 LP
#41,066 Summoner Icon kotsossur 50 59
84 LP
Platine IV
84 LP
#41,067 Summoner Icon BruneluMLG 20 28
84 LP
Platine IV
84 LP
#41,069 Summoner Icon Mihnea 19CM 6 3
84 LP
Platine IV
84 LP
#41,070 Summoner Icon 2AMIR2 23 22
84 LP
Platine IV
84 LP
#41,071 Summoner Icon Hjued 7 11
84 LP
Platine IV
84 LP
#41,072 Summoner Icon Roseman 9 17
84 LP
Platine IV
84 LP
#41,075 Summoner Icon MinWiększy 36 38
84 LP
Platine IV
84 LP
#41,078 Summoner Icon God of Evil 54 50
84 LP
Platine IV
84 LP
#41,081 Summoner Icon TSW T0XIC 29 31
84 LP
Platine IV
84 LP Brand Kha'Zix
#41,084 Summoner Icon NightKnight73 5 6
83 LP
Platine IV
83 LP
#41,085 Summoner Icon Alesoj 44 53
83 LP
Platine IV
83 LP