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Classements EU Nord & Est

Rang Invocateur Victoires Défaites Niveau / Division Points Champions
#31,481 Summoner Icon the dark punC 64 47
15 LP
Platine III
15 LP Garen Urgot Heimerdinger
#31,482 Summoner Icon STUDZEKISIEL01 86 67
15 LP
Platine III
15 LP
#31,483 Summoner Icon SilnorekIpl 11 14
15 LP
Platine III
15 LP
#31,484 Summoner Icon sylvoulis 9 5
15 LP
Platine III
15 LP
#31,485 Summoner Icon SpinS69 16 19
15 LP
Platine III
15 LP Sivir
#31,486 Summoner Icon Dioren 96 93
70 LP
Platine III
70 LP
#31,487 Summoner Icon S t i c k L 30 36
15 LP
Platine III
15 LP
#31,488 Summoner Icon Muffin1234 16 20
15 LP
Platine III
15 LP Poppy
#31,489 Summoner Icon saloui 14 7
93 LP
Platine III
93 LP
#31,490 Summoner Icon Khada4da Jhin 6 6
15 LP
Platine III
15 LP
#31,491 Summoner Icon bobby and gentaz 28 30
15 LP
Platine III
15 LP Maître Yi
#31,492 Summoner Icon BenadrylEnjoyer1 23 24
14 LP
Platine III
14 LP
#31,493 Summoner Icon UnBeaTable032 23 36
14 LP
Platine III
14 LP
#31,494 Summoner Icon MuwiłaŻeMa18 21 17
42 LP
Platine II
42 LP Amumu Jhin
#31,496 Summoner Icon Gakers 20 21
55 LP
Platine II
55 LP Syndra Varus Zeri Corki Vex
#31,498 Summoner Icon Cooesage 60 73
14 LP
Platine III
14 LP
#31,499 Summoner Icon Grandma 10 9
67 LP
Platine III
67 LP
#31,502 Summoner Icon THE BØY 5 12
14 LP
Platine III
14 LP
#31,504 Summoner Icon HDNQ 21 26
14 LP
Platine III
14 LP
#31,507 Summoner Icon X Salva 33 36
14 LP
Platine III
14 LP Cho'Gath Leona