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Classements Brésil

Rang Invocateur Victoires Défaites Niveau / Division Points Champions
#3,141 Summoner Icon azagau 4 3
23 LP
Platine II
23 LP
#3,142 Summoner Icon Compro CPF 2 4
23 LP
Platine II
23 LP Aurora
#3,143 Summoner Icon Narebalol 4 4
11 LP
Platine II
11 LP
#3,146 Summoner Icon シーツー 45 39
20 LP
Platine II
20 LP
#3,147 Summoner Icon Jão Poca Pik4 25 27
19 LP
Platine II
19 LP
#3,148 Summoner Icon In The Dark VNTG 14 10
18 LP
Platine II
18 LP
#3,153 Summoner Icon Jaracatiá 24 33
16 LP
Platine II
16 LP
#3,154 Summoner Icon Lucas Campos 4 3
16 LP
Platine II
16 LP
#3,155 Summoner Icon YoneOneKenobi 3 7
16 LP
Platine II
16 LP
#3,160 Summoner Icon Neithanzim 18 12
11 LP
Platine II
11 LP
#3,164 Summoner Icon Juanios 20 18
7 LP
Platine II
7 LP Aphelios
#3,166 Summoner Icon Mr Coppola 54 48
82 LP
Platine III
82 LP
#3,168 Summoner Icon spanol 30 32
6 LP
Platine I
6 LP
#3,169 Summoner Icon LoK 16 21
6 LP
Platine II
6 LP
#3,171 Summoner Icon Uncertainty 26 24
34 LP
Platine II
34 LP
#3,173 Summoner Icon Sandrovisky 6 3
3 LP
Platine II
3 LP Rell
#3,176 Summoner Icon jackapenas 46 17
1 LP
Platine II
1 LP Taliyah Kai'Sa
#3,177 Summoner Icon Kirarie 36 39
0 LP
Émeraude IV
0 LP
#3,178 Summoner Icon XxTutzxX 7 6
1 LP
Platine II
1 LP
#3,180 Summoner Icon Box of Shacolate 47 40
66 LP
Platine II
66 LP