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5V5 المرتبة

Latin America North
06/21/2024 20:07 (1 weekago)
Game Duration: 1mins
الفريق 1: Defeat
0 / 0 / 0
Awww 0 / 0 / 0 None | Support
Lv 2 / 753G
8 CS | 0 1 0 Wards
Kill Participation: NAN%
Doran's Ring Health Potion Stealth Ward
The Rose 0 / 0 / 0 None | Support
Lv 1 / 606G
0 CS | 0 0 0 Wards
Kill Participation: NAN%
Gustwalker Hatchling Health Potion Stealth Ward
T1 Maverick 0 / 0 / 0 None | Support
Lv 2 / 788G
10 CS | 0 0 0 Wards
Kill Participation: NAN%
Doran's Shield Health Potion Stealth Ward
Lluvıa 0 / 0 / 0 None | Support
Lv 2 / 802G
11 CS | 0 0 0 Wards
Kill Participation: NAN%
Doran's Blade Health Potion Stealth Ward
Karerine 0 / 0 / 0 None | Support
Lv 2 / 661G
0 CS | 0 1 0 Wards
Kill Participation: NAN%
World Atlas Health Potion Total Biscuit of Everlasting Will Stealth Ward
الفريق 2: Victory
0 / 0 / 0
XTZ 2023 YAMAHA 0 / 0 / 0 None | Support
Lv 2 / 704G
5 CS | 0 1 0 Wards
Kill Participation: NAN%
Doran's Ring Health Potion Stealth Ward
King of Madnesss 0 / 0 / 0 None | Support
Lv 3 / 880G
12 CS | 0 1 0 Wards
Kill Participation: NAN%
Mosstomper Seedling Stealth Ward
J0YSTICK 0 / 0 / 0 None | Support
Lv 2 / 781G
10 CS | 0 0 0 Wards
Kill Participation: NAN%
Doran's Ring Health Potion Stealth Ward
Lord Taquitoo 0 / 0 / 0 None | Support
Lv 2 / 812G
11 CS | 0 0 0 Wards
Kill Participation: NAN%
Doran's Blade Health Potion Stealth Ward
Lagtrain 0 / 0 / 0 None | Support
Lv 2 / 671G
2 CS | 0 1 0 Wards
Kill Participation: NAN%
World Atlas Health Potion Stealth Ward
Anivia Awww
Perfect KDA!
Rammus The Rose
Perfect KDA!
Akali T1 Maverick
Perfect KDA!
Ezreal Lluvıa
Perfect KDA!
Neeko Karerine
Perfect KDA!
Pantheon XTZ 2023 YAMAHA
Perfect KDA!
Viego King of Madnesss
Perfect KDA!
Perfect KDA!
Jinx Lord Taquitoo
Perfect KDA!
Lulu Lagtrain
Perfect KDA!
Anivia Rammus Akali Ezreal Neeko Pantheon Viego Ahri Jinx Lulu
Perfect KDA! KDA
0 Double Kills
0 Triple Kills
0 Quadra Kills
0 Penta Kills
Skill Order
Flash Frost Q
Frostbite E
Glacial Storm
Doran's Ring Health Potion Health Potion Stealth Ward
Perfect KDA! KDA
0 Double Kills
0 Triple Kills
0 Quadra Kills
0 Penta Kills
Skill Order
Defensive Ball Curl
Frenzying Taunt
Soaring Slam
Gustwalker Hatchling Stealth Ward Health Potion
Perfect KDA! KDA
0 Double Kills
0 Triple Kills
0 Quadra Kills
0 Penta Kills
Skill Order
Five Point Strike Q
Twilight Shroud W
Shuriken Flip
Perfect Execution
Doran's Shield Health Potion
Perfect KDA! KDA
0 Double Kills
0 Triple Kills
0 Quadra Kills
0 Penta Kills
Skill Order
Mystic Shot Q
Essence Flux
Arcane Shift E
Trueshot Barrage
Doran's Blade Health Potion
Perfect KDA! KDA
0 Double Kills
0 Triple Kills
0 Quadra Kills
0 Penta Kills
Skill Order
Blooming Burst Q
Tangle-Barbs E
Pop Blossom
World Atlas Health Potion Health Potion
Perfect KDA! KDA
0 Double Kills
0 Triple Kills
0 Quadra Kills
0 Penta Kills
Skill Order
Comet Spear Q
Shield Vault W
Aegis Assault
Grand Starfall
Doran's Blade Health Potion Doran's Ring Doran's Blade Health Potion Doran's Ring Doran's Blade Health Potion Doran's Ring Health Potion Health Potion
Perfect KDA! KDA
0 Double Kills
0 Triple Kills
0 Quadra Kills
0 Penta Kills
Skill Order
Blade of the Ruined King Q
Spectral Maw W
Harrowed Path E
Gustwalker Hatchling Health Potion Stealth Ward Mosstomper Seedling Health Potion Stealth Ward
Perfect KDA! KDA
0 Double Kills
0 Triple Kills
0 Quadra Kills
0 Penta Kills
Skill Order
Orb of Deception Q
Fox-Fire W
Spirit Rush
Doran's Ring Health Potion Health Potion
Perfect KDA! KDA
0 Double Kills
0 Triple Kills
0 Quadra Kills
0 Penta Kills
Skill Order
Switcheroo! Q
Zap! W
Flame Chompers!
Super Mega Death Rocket!
Doran's Blade Health Potion Stealth Ward
Perfect KDA! KDA
0 Double Kills
0 Triple Kills
0 Quadra Kills
0 Penta Kills
Skill Order
Whimsy W
Help, Pix! E
Wild Growth
World Atlas Health Potion Health Potion
purchased Doran's Ring Health Potion Health Potion Stealth Ward

ward placed Stealth Ward

purchased Doran's Shield Health Potion

purchased Doran's Blade Health Potion

purchased World Atlas Health Potion Health Potion

ward placed Stealth Ward

purchased Doran's Blade Health Potion Doran's Ring Doran's Blade Health Potion Doran's Ring Doran's Blade Health Potion Doran's Ring Health Potion Health Potion

purchased Gustwalker Hatchling Health Potion Stealth Ward Mosstomper Seedling Health Potion Stealth Ward

ward placed Stealth Ward

purchased Doran's Ring Health Potion Health Potion

purchased Doran's Blade Health Potion Stealth Ward

purchased World Atlas Health Potion Health Potion

purchased Gustwalker Hatchling Stealth Ward Health Potion