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آرام 5V5

EU West
08/12/2024 13:16 (1 monthago)
Game Duration: 1mins
الفريق 1: Defeat
0 / 3 / 0
CinnemoonMan 0 / 0 / 0 None | Support
Lv 4 / 1,895G
0 CS | 0 0 0 Wards
Kill Participation: NAN%
LenzizenL 0 / 1 / 0 None | Support
Lv 4 / 1,985G
0 CS | 0 0 0 Wards
Kill Participation: NAN%
Sheen Tear of the Goddess Poro-Snax
Silaev 0 / 1 / 0 None | Support
Lv 4 / 1,995G
1 CS | 0 0 0 Wards
Kill Participation: NAN%
Bramble Vest Refillable Potion Boots Poro-Snax
TheVeiledSister 0 / 1 / 0 None | Support
Lv 4 / 1,967G
0 CS | 0 0 0 Wards
Kill Participation: NAN%
Lost Chapter Refillable Potion Poro-Snax
jotaroGGkujoWP 0 / 0 / 0 None | Support
Lv 4 / 1,993G
0 CS | 0 0 0 Wards
Kill Participation: NAN%
Serrated Dirk Tear of the Goddess Total Biscuit of Everlasting Will Poro-Snax
الفريق 2: Victory
3 / 0 / 8
tronorca 2 / 0 / 1 None | Support
Lv 5 / 2,568G
5 CS | 0 0 0 Wards
Kill Participation: 100%
B. F. Sword
Riska3538 0 / 0 / 3 None | Support
Lv 5 / 2,121G
2 CS | 0 0 0 Wards
Kill Participation: 100%
Guardian's Horn Tear of the Goddess Poro-Snax
La Comtesse Thé 0 / 0 / 2 None | Support
Lv 5 / 2,197G
3 CS | 0 0 0 Wards
Kill Participation: 66%
Serrated Dirk Boots Poro-Snax
LadyBrumble 0 / 0 / 1 None | Support
Lv 5 / 2,142G
5 CS | 0 0 0 Wards
Kill Participation: 33%
Guardian's Orb Tear of the Goddess Health Potion Poro-Snax
Wysanthias 1 / 0 / 1 None | Support
Lv 5 / 2,356G
2 CS | 0 0 0 Wards
Kill Participation: 66%
Serrated Dirk Tear of the Goddess Poro-Snax
Malphite Smolder Shen Senna Quinn Braum Caitlyn Zoe Jayce
Perfect KDA! KDA
0 Double Kills
0 Triple Kills
0 Quadra Kills
0 Penta Kills
Skill Order
Seismic Shard
Ground Slam
Unstoppable Force
Perfect KDA! KDA
0 Double Kills
0 Triple Kills
0 Quadra Kills
0 Penta Kills
Skill Order
Super Scorcher Breath Q Q
Achooo! W
Flap, Flap, Flap E
Sheen Tear of the Goddess Health Potion Health Potion
Perfect KDA! KDA
0 Double Kills
0 Triple Kills
0 Quadra Kills
0 Penta Kills
Skill Order
Twilight Assault Q Q
Spirit's Refuge W
Shadow Dash E
Stand United
Bramble Vest Boots Refillable Potion
Perfect KDA! KDA
0 Double Kills
0 Triple Kills
0 Quadra Kills
0 Penta Kills
Skill Order
Lost Chapter Refillable Potion
Perfect KDA! KDA
0 Double Kills
0 Triple Kills
0 Quadra Kills
0 Penta Kills
Skill Order
Piercing Darkness Q Q
Last Embrace W
Curse of the Black Mist E
Dawning Shadow
Serrated Dirk Tear of the Goddess
Perfect KDA! KDA
0 Double Kills
0 Triple Kills
0 Quadra Kills
0 Penta Kills
Skill Order
Blinding Assault Q Q
Heightened Senses W
Vault E
Behind Enemy Lines
B. F. Sword Health Potion Health Potion
Perfect KDA! KDA
0 Double Kills
0 Triple Kills
0 Quadra Kills
0 Penta Kills
Skill Order
Winter's Bite Q Q
Stand Behind Me W
Unbreakable E
Glacial Fissure
Guardian's Horn Tear of the Goddess Health Potion
Perfect KDA! KDA
0 Double Kills
0 Triple Kills
0 Quadra Kills
0 Penta Kills
Skill Order
Piltover Peacemaker Q Q
Yordle Snap Trap W
90 Caliber Net E
Ace in the Hole
Serrated Dirk Boots Health Potion Health Potion
Perfect KDA! KDA
0 Double Kills
0 Triple Kills
0 Quadra Kills
0 Penta Kills
Skill Order
Paddle Star! Q Q Q
Spell Thief W
Sleepy Trouble Bubble E
Portal Jump
Guardian's Orb Tear of the Goddess Health Potion
Perfect KDA! KDA
0 Double Kills
0 Triple Kills
0 Quadra Kills
0 Penta Kills
Skill Order
To the Skies! / Shock Blast Q Q Q
Lightning Field / Hyper Charge W
Thundering Blow / Acceleration Gate E
Mercury Cannon / Mercury Hammer
Serrated Dirk Tear of the Goddess
purchased Sheen Tear of the Goddess Health Potion Health Potion

purchased Bramble Vest Boots Refillable Potion

ward placed Guardian's Amulet

purchased Lost Chapter Refillable Potion

purchased Serrated Dirk Tear of the Goddess

purchased B. F. Sword Health Potion Health Potion

killed Shen

purchased Guardian's Horn Tear of the Goddess Health Potion

purchased Serrated Dirk Boots Health Potion Health Potion

purchased Guardian's Orb Tear of the Goddess Health Potion

purchased Serrated Dirk Tear of the Goddess
