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لوحات المتصدرين تركيا

الرتبة المستدعي الانتصارات الخسائر Tier / Division نقاط أبطال
#15,001 Summoner Icon EmirBaBaPro55 32 44
77 LP
Iron IV
77 LP Lux
#15,002 Summoner Icon EREKOGLU 22 21
77 LP
Iron IV
77 LP Malphite
#15,003 Summoner Icon asira 4 20
0 LP
Iron IV
0 LP
#15,004 Summoner Icon LegendKiller64 8 17
77 LP
Iron IV
77 LP
#15,005 Summoner Icon çürük karpuz ela 8 14
77 LP
Iron IV
77 LP
#15,006 Summoner Icon MetSel 8 12
30 LP
Iron IV
30 LP
#15,007 Summoner Icon Bery 11 15
77 LP
Iron IV
77 LP
#15,009 Summoner Icon Makarina 35 41
76 LP
Iron IV
76 LP
#15,013 Summoner Icon ŞairKral 12 16
63 LP
Iron II
63 LP Lissandra Karma Darius Fizz Veigar
#15,014 Summoner Icon Andreyv2 4 6
76 LP
Iron IV
76 LP
#15,016 Summoner Icon The Hyper 26 34
76 LP
Iron IV
76 LP Shaco
#15,017 Summoner Icon flame 1 4
76 LP
Iron IV
76 LP
#15,019 Summoner Icon sonprimat 5 11
75 LP
Iron IV
75 LP
#15,020 Summoner Icon ShacoZıplatan 4 6
75 LP
Iron IV
75 LP Neeko
#15,021 Summoner Icon PoDpori 11 17
75 LP
Iron IV
75 LP Katarina
#15,022 Summoner Icon FF SHADOW 17 17
75 LP
Iron IV
75 LP Kayn
#15,023 Summoner Icon BeG 15 20
75 LP
Iron IV
75 LP
#15,028 Summoner Icon cılgın cocuk 103 140
23 LP
Iron III
23 LP Sett
#15,029 Summoner Icon Annieemo 29 33
75 LP
Iron IV
75 LP
#15,030 Summoner Icon VANITAS 21 26
75 LP
Iron IV
75 LP