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لوحات المتصدرين أمريكا الشمالية

الرتبة المستدعي الانتصارات الخسائر Tier / Division نقاط أبطال
#481 Summoner Icon UtopianSoldier 89 81
248 LP
Master I
248 LP Karma
#482 Summoner Icon sigmamale143554 36 29
246 LP
Master I
246 LP
#483 Summoner Icon Touch The Box 196 199
53 LP
Master I
53 LP Shaco Viego
#484 Summoner Icon 한 송 107 78
246 LP
Master I
246 LP
#486 Summoner Icon Anhuei 97 90
243 LP
Master I
243 LP Wukong
#487 Summoner Icon Jim Cantore 76 62
243 LP
Master I
243 LP Shyvana
#488 Summoner Icon Che3se 164 163
242 LP
Master I
242 LP Caitlyn Jinx
#489 Summoner Icon superman 58 46
552 LP
Grandmaster I
552 LP Renekton K'Sante Jax
#490 Summoner Icon El Dorado 82 74
241 LP
Master I
241 LP Irelia Xerath
#491 Summoner Icon Wason 83 62
442 LP
Grandmaster I
442 LP Bard
#492 Summoner Icon Tritesu 75 66
240 LP
Master I
240 LP
#493 Summoner Icon 一血一塔巢虫奶龙 100 88
240 LP
Master I
240 LP Renekton
#495 Summoner Icon 密思薇薇 76 79
240 LP
Master I
240 LP
#496 Summoner Icon The Bitter Truth 71 66
239 LP
Master I
239 LP
#497 Summoner Icon 肥鯰魚其實一開始並不壞 35 29
239 LP
Master I
239 LP Ambessa
#498 Summoner Icon Maublron 52 47
238 LP
Master I
238 LP
#499 Summoner Icon BEBETO 68 46
236 LP
Master I
236 LP
#500 Summoner Icon Poker 67 67
204 LP
Master I
204 LP
#502 Summoner Icon 陰キャ 210 195
301 LP
Master I
301 LP Zeri Tristana Kai'Sa
#503 Summoner Icon IG Rookie 88 70
229 LP
Master I
229 LP Amumu Bard