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لوحات المتصدرين أمريكا اللاتينية الشمالية

الرتبة المستدعي الانتصارات الخسائر Tier / Division نقاط أبطال
#9,721 Summoner Icon Ñengo Flow 1 7
32 LP
Bronze I
32 LP
#9,722 Summoner Icon INFINYTTE 15 21
32 LP
Bronze I
32 LP
#9,723 Summoner Icon riu 34 26
32 LP
Bronze I
32 LP
#9,725 Summoner Icon N3M0C1D4D 82 83
29 LP
Bronze II
29 LP
#9,726 Summoner Icon AZIRBOY1 9 6
31 LP
Bronze I
31 LP
#9,727 Summoner Icon CarryPotter 10 5
31 LP
Bronze I
31 LP
#9,728 Summoner Icon maikol159 22 15
30 LP
Bronze I
30 LP
#9,729 Summoner Icon Zayck Nydex 10 12
30 LP
Bronze I
30 LP
#9,730 Summoner Icon Dragompro413 5 5
30 LP
Bronze I
30 LP
#9,731 Summoner Icon HumanFall 5 5
30 LP
Bronze I
30 LP
#9,732 Summoner Icon PabloPHz 12 25
30 LP
Bronze I
30 LP
#9,733 Summoner Icon Lethal Supernova 18 21
30 LP
Bronze I
30 LP
#9,734 Summoner Icon JohnDiClock 4 3
29 LP
Bronze I
29 LP
#9,735 Summoner Icon Fishtek 7 3
29 LP
Bronze I
29 LP
#9,736 Summoner Icon SheLuxAwesomeFr 114 97
32 LP
Bronze I
32 LP Hwei
#9,737 Summoner Icon CarnageNecro 14 14
29 LP
Bronze I
29 LP
#9,738 Summoner Icon SlashHaki 29 24
50 LP
Silver III
50 LP
#9,740 Summoner Icon ImYeom 2 4
28 LP
Bronze I
28 LP
#9,741 Summoner Icon straight ally 2 4
28 LP
Bronze I
28 LP
#9,742 Summoner Icon The mister 2 4
28 LP
Bronze I
28 LP