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لوحات المتصدرين الاتحاد الأوروبي الغربية

الرتبة المستدعي الانتصارات الخسائر Tier / Division نقاط أبطال
#661 Summoner Icon Marty Byrde 120 75
881 LP
Grandmaster I
881 LP Pantheon Elise
#662 Summoner Icon FalconPaunch 88 68
217 LP
Master I
217 LP
#663 Summoner Icon kermut 45 34
364 LP
Master I
364 LP Vex
#664 Summoner Icon Kjynne 116 86
364 LP
Master I
364 LP
#665 Summoner Icon Thε Third 113 98
363 LP
Master I
363 LP Rakan Lulu
#666 Summoner Icon Jeyrus 39 31
362 LP
Master I
362 LP
#667 Summoner Icon the inescapable 54 47
361 LP
Master I
361 LP Xerath Neeko Ambessa
#668 Summoner Icon Cinnamoroll 59 57
236 LP
Master I
236 LP Cho'Gath Mel Kai'Sa Kog'Maw Jinx
#669 Summoner Icon NXT Hummelu 48 41
359 LP
Master I
359 LP Kha'Zix Udyr Wukong Skarner
#670 Summoner Icon BENCHSQY 43 32
358 LP
Master I
358 LP Pantheon Ahri Aurora Azir Nidalee
#671 Summoner Icon Twtv Mirrai 102 86
358 LP
Master I
358 LP
#672 Summoner Icon favo superstar 67 60
240 LP
Master I
240 LP
#673 Summoner Icon 4CES 155 139
358 LP
Master I
358 LP Mel
#674 Summoner Icon Charming 117 114
157 LP
Master I
157 LP Talon
#675 Summoner Icon Defflok 70 72
357 LP
Master I
357 LP Taliyah Orianna
#676 Summoner Icon Nida Healbabe 85 75
355 LP
Master I
355 LP
#677 Summoner Icon Moo Deng 72 61
420 LP
Master I
420 LP Nidalee Zyra Gwen Nautilus Pantheon
#678 Summoner Icon Qnoxs 339 331
947 LP
Challenger I
947 LP Janna Senna Lulu Nami Lux
#679 Summoner Icon Marillaldeli 55 43
352 LP
Master I
352 LP Irelia Azir Nautilus Corki Jhin
#680 Summoner Icon Marcel D 60 54
352 LP
Master I
352 LP Cho'Gath Jhin