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لوحات المتصدرين الاتحاد الأوروبي الغربية

الرتبة المستدعي الانتصارات الخسائر Tier / Division نقاط أبطال
#61,662 Summoner Icon MAESTRØS 50 47
50 LP
Platinum IV
50 LP
#61,663 Summoner Icon uaena 10 10
50 LP
Platinum IV
50 LP
#61,670 Summoner Icon Yasuo Red 4 6
50 LP
Platinum IV
50 LP
#61,674 Summoner Icon Señor Kangrejo 66 58
50 LP
Platinum IV
50 LP
#61,677 Summoner Icon FREDEYY 54 48
50 LP
Platinum IV
50 LP
#61,680 Summoner Icon HoLeeFukCS2 33 29
50 LP
Platinum IV
50 LP
#61,681 Summoner Icon plattmacher 32 24
50 LP
Platinum IV
50 LP Diana
#61,683 Summoner Icon Jojo Sama 8 122 116
50 LP
Platinum IV
50 LP
#61,684 Summoner Icon Benis 2 7
50 LP
Platinum IV
50 LP
#61,687 Summoner Icon magitnup 28 27
50 LP
Platinum IV
50 LP
#61,690 Summoner Icon 150kgbänk 7 5
50 LP
Platinum IV
50 LP
#61,699 Summoner Icon ShadowStorm 107 106
50 LP
Platinum IV
50 LP
#61,700 Summoner Icon xzl 37 42
50 LP
Platinum IV
50 LP Garen
#61,701 Summoner Icon Maitre Sidiöus 43 34
49 LP
Platinum IV
49 LP
#61,702 Summoner Icon HabbeFlap 12 11
49 LP
Platinum IV
49 LP
#61,703 Summoner Icon Sef1rot 140 136
49 LP
Platinum IV
49 LP
#61,706 Summoner Icon TeK ƒhinker 27 34
49 LP
Platinum IV
49 LP
#61,707 Summoner Icon Smecktor 99 106
49 LP
Platinum IV
49 LP
#61,708 Summoner Icon Royston Drenthe 94 91
49 LP
Platinum IV
49 LP
#61,709 Summoner Icon Zarøs The Legend 29 30
49 LP
Platinum IV
49 LP