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لوحات المتصدرين الاتحاد الأوروبي الغربية

الرتبة المستدعي الانتصارات الخسائر Tier / Division نقاط أبطال
#4,522 Summoner Icon JoYBoY 38 22
27 LP
Emerald II
27 LP
#4,549 Summoner Icon ikmjuu2 92 82
64 LP
Platinum I
64 LP Caitlyn
#4,584 Summoner Icon Quaeres 28 27
56 LP
Platinum I
56 LP
#4,636 Summoner Icon Razer2102 50 28
49 LP
Platinum I
49 LP Sivir Ornn
#4,645 Summoner Icon Neve Super 68 70
48 LP
Platinum I
48 LP
#4,703 Summoner Icon The Pidgeon 8 4
42 LP
Platinum I
42 LP
#4,746 Summoner Icon LWS Cookie 107 100
0 LP
Emerald IV
0 LP Syndra Ryze Gragas Renekton Swain
#4,788 Summoner Icon myjunglegotdowns 17 25
31 LP
Platinum I
31 LP
#4,817 Summoner Icon 2maef4u 35 40
28 LP
Platinum I
28 LP
#4,819 Summoner Icon Rylph 9 9
28 LP
Platinum I
28 LP
#4,831 Summoner Icon Octutz 40 36
0 LP
Diamond IV
0 LP Nautilus
#4,835 Summoner Icon DieElo 47 47
7 LP
Platinum I
7 LP
#4,982 Summoner Icon Yugoslovenisback 46 32
15 LP
Emerald IV
15 LP
#4,993 Summoner Icon zDarkOrizon17 11 8
8 LP
Platinum I
8 LP
#4,997 Summoner Icon maegzor 67 75
49 LP
Platinum II
49 LP Rell
#4,998 Summoner Icon 99th 52 65
7 LP
Platinum I
7 LP
#5,020 Summoner Icon MuTpaHguP2 54 37
4 LP
Platinum I
4 LP
#5,024 Summoner Icon Kanoh 29 17
4 LP
Platinum I
4 LP K'Sante
#5,060 Summoner Icon Carkin 7 6
1 LP
Platinum I
1 LP
#5,144 Summoner Icon Gamox11 80 75
90 LP
Platinum II
90 LP