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لوحات المتصدرين الاتحاد الأوروبي الغربية

الرتبة المستدعي الانتصارات الخسائر Tier / Division نقاط أبطال
#4,361 Summoner Icon 3XPLOGIONPvP 11 11
92 LP
Platinum IV
92 LP Xerath
#4,362 Summoner Icon Cesskoo 6 11
92 LP
Platinum IV
92 LP Cassiopeia
#4,363 Summoner Icon DanceWithThresh 77 79
92 LP
Platinum IV
92 LP Rell Thresh
#4,364 Summoner Icon Kinky Whale 41 29
92 LP
Platinum IV
92 LP
#4,365 Summoner Icon carrefourwuwu 18 24
92 LP
Platinum IV
92 LP Mel
#4,366 Summoner Icon First time Bard 4 5
92 LP
Platinum IV
92 LP
#4,367 Summoner Icon Sãul 2 7
92 LP
Platinum IV
92 LP
#4,368 Summoner Icon Dani The Viking 47 36
92 LP
Platinum IV
92 LP Lux
#4,369 Summoner Icon RIC0RA 77 79
92 LP
Platinum IV
92 LP
#4,370 Summoner Icon Saridis 56 42
91 LP
Platinum IV
91 LP Jhin
#4,371 Summoner Icon pew rat pew 33 28
91 LP
Platinum IV
91 LP Thresh
#4,372 Summoner Icon Cain Basher 16 10
91 LP
Platinum IV
91 LP
#4,373 Summoner Icon Khronos 14 19
91 LP
Platinum IV
91 LP
#4,374 Summoner Icon ˉWizax 48 38
91 LP
Platinum IV
91 LP
#4,375 Summoner Icon Oxycodonn 39 35
91 LP
Platinum IV
91 LP
#4,376 Summoner Icon Broback 54 46
90 LP
Platinum IV
90 LP Karma Ashe Sett
#4,377 Summoner Icon Yûkiii 26 20
90 LP
Platinum IV
90 LP
#4,378 Summoner Icon Dying In Vayne 16 10
90 LP
Platinum IV
90 LP Caitlyn
#4,379 Summoner Icon Gurkkojr 5 16
89 LP
Platinum IV
89 LP
#4,380 Summoner Icon Viktor Orbán 63 74
89 LP
Platinum IV
89 LP