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لوحات المتصدرين الاتحاد الأوروبي الغربية

الرتبة المستدعي الانتصارات الخسائر Tier / Division نقاط أبطال
#3,501 Summoner Icon AZT 关云长 of CL 9 6
95 LP
Diamond IV
95 LP
#3,502 Summoner Icon MacMillerEnjoyer 5 4
75 LP
Emerald I
75 LP
#3,503 Summoner Icon FilthyWhitePig 6 6
5 LP
Diamond III
5 LP
#3,505 Summoner Icon Archidown 10 9
95 LP
Diamond IV
95 LP Shen
#3,506 Summoner Icon Unøhãna 29 30
95 LP
Diamond IV
95 LP
#3,507 Summoner Icon WHEELCHAIR IRL 10 12
95 LP
Diamond IV
95 LP
#3,508 Summoner Icon Moosey 5 4
95 LP
Diamond IV
95 LP
#3,509 Summoner Icon tucked into bed 5 4
95 LP
Diamond IV
95 LP
#3,513 Summoner Icon Thegloomydreamer 11 12
94 LP
Diamond IV
94 LP
#3,515 Summoner Icon Lokeig 17 24
93 LP
Diamond IV
93 LP Qiyana
#3,516 Summoner Icon hyekai 41 40
93 LP
Diamond IV
93 LP
#3,518 Summoner Icon Eternal Union 62 46
93 LP
Diamond IV
93 LP
#3,519 Summoner Icon imp14 7 0
92 LP
Diamond IV
92 LP Xin Zhao
#3,520 Summoner Icon Shezni 12 16
92 LP
Diamond IV
92 LP
#3,521 Summoner Icon Scofield 5 4
75 LP
Emerald I
75 LP
#3,522 Summoner Icon Ganged By Mom 39 45
92 LP
Diamond IV
92 LP
#3,522 Summoner Icon thepumuke 17 19
9 LP
Emerald IV
9 LP
#3,523 Summoner Icon KT L04s 32 36
92 LP
Diamond IV
92 LP Xayah
#3,525 Summoner Icon VirtuoZ 10 19
91 LP
Diamond IV
91 LP Jinx Zeri
#3,526 Summoner Icon ChicoDeku 36 45
91 LP
Diamond IV
91 LP